Dec/Champwan ; More

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fluff ; season
Champwan feels that Dec only sees him as his 'bitch' and Champwan really wants to be something more than that.

*How did it come to this?* Champwan thought as he silently toys with the flowing water in the river. Looking at his reflection in the water, he exhales deeply. It's been a while since he entered this foreign realm of Mianite. He had made quite great friends with the inhabitants and also became a bit fond of the priest of this realm, the one named Decland.

However, he remembered how since the first day of him being here, they refer to him as the 'priest's bitch'. To be fairly honest, he isn't quite happy with that name even though it implies that Dec owns him in a way. The word 'bitch' sounded so harsh as if he was a peasant or something. Champan helps Dec merely to just be nice and maybe give his unrequited love a chance to grow.

It might seem stupid, it might be just a joke, but it really bothers him. Does Dec also thinks of him as only a mere 'bitch' to give him ease when doing things? Champwan feels insecure about how the priest thinks of him, yet he is far too much of a coward to confess to him or just even ask about the thing. Again, he sighs, frowning to his reflection as if it would comfort him.

All of the sudden, a cheery voice breaks the silence around him. It was none other than Dec himself. Although he's wearing oddly torn clothes, the priest still looks as charming as ever. He realizes that the other was calling for him and the sound of his name ringing from Dec's mouth already makes his heart flutter.

"Champwan! Come on! I need your help to fix my house," The priest yells loudly from a bit of distance from the river.

Champwan stands up slowly and yells back, "Yes! I'm coming!"

But in his gentle little heart, he realises that even though it makes him seems more like a 'bitch', he really can't deny it when Dec requests his assistance. Although, he so much prefers that they'd help each other as a team like Firefox and Jericho, even Syndicate and Sparklez in a way. As Dec calls for him again, he runs to Dec's direction while slightly tugging his hood down to shadow more on his slightly red face.

A while later, after collecting the necessary material for fixing Dec's house which was most likely been blown up by a creeper, Champwan hands Dec the materials and helps the other fixing the house a bit. As they put the last few blocks to fix the house, the priest then invites him in his house for a cake. Champwan doesn't deny it obviously, but Dec sees that there is something troubling Champwan hence the fact that he has been a bit more silent than usual.

In Dec's eyes, Champwan is a very kind person, despite being very shy. Champwan has recently been a bit more open to him and a bit more talkative. The other is always in a way hiding behind his hoods, making him unreadable most of the time. But Dec knows for sure if he is this quiet then there must be something wrong with him. Decland observes as Champwan munches his piece of cake slowly, his thoughts seemingly somewhere else.

Just then Champwan looks up, finding Dec looking at him in a very observant yet gentle way. And of course he has to choke on his cake due to the shock. His face turns beet red as he coughs, while the priest just let out a little chuckle.

"What's been bothering you lately?" Dec then asks curiously.

Champwan laughs awkwardly as he wipes his face from cake crumbs, "What makes you say that? There is nothing wrong with me."

"You're a bad liar. You know you can tell me if there are things bothering you," The priest muses, this time with a more gentle and loving tone.

The other sighs in defeat, it seems that his actions are far too obvious, so he inwardly asks the priest about the certain topic that's bothering him, "It's just that I'm somewhat afraid that you actually only think of me as your… you know… bitch?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2016 ⏰

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