Chapter 4: All is fair in love and war

Start from the beginning

"Kieran, what do you know about Chloe Faulkner?" I asked him.

Helena looked up worriedly, slowly shaking her head to me.

"Ms. Faulkner comes from a family of powerful witches. Mother and grandmother were dangerous hunters, all vampires were warned to steer clear off them."

He nodded his head towards Darien. "Her mother was killed by Mr. Valentine in an act of self defence."

Darien grinned. Self-defence, my arse.

"Your father kidnapped Chloe Faulkner seven years ago.”

Helena gasped in surprise

“She was held her prisoner and we planned to ransom her for a council member that Mrs. Faulkner and Henry Duvall had captured and they were using to experiment on.”

“Who?” I asked.

“Anna.” Kieran responded.

Darien looked up surprised. “What? She didn’t tell me anything about this.”

“What happened?” I asked Kieran.

"The hunter clan send a team of hunters to rescue Chloe. She escaped with their help back to the human dimension. We managed to kill all but one team member. Henry Duvall himself. The three of them have not been reported in any confrontation since but are still considered dangerous and to be avoided at any cost." Kieran responded.

"Why did the king not simply eliminate Mrs. Faulkner and Henry?" Darien


Kieran turned to him.

"The late king had a history with Mrs. Faulkner and was reluctant to kill her. There is a hit set on Henry Duvall, but nobody managed to kill him so far."

How much I wanted to investigate Chloe Faulkner and her amazing family further, I simply had no time for this. First, I needed to secure my throne.

"What do you want, your highness?" Kieran disturbed me in my thoughts.

"What? Sorry?" I responded.

"Chloe Faulkner, your highness? What to do with her?" he said.

"I'll deal with her later."

Chloe's POV

We drove through the portal and the Mini got launched out of the gate.

I screeched it to a halt. The heat came flooding into the car, making it hard to breath. G*d d*mnit, I hate this dimension.

Why oh why didn't I buy a car with airco? Oh yes. Because I couldn't afford one.

I took off my leather jacket and my hoodie and switched the ventilation a bit higher. I grabbed the map out the back pocket of my jeans and laid it down on the steering wheel to study the route.

I sighed. Roughly a five-hour drive. In this heat. Great.

I heard an angry sounding noise next to me and I glanced at Dravec in the passenger seat.

What I saw made me laugh so hard that my eyes teared.

Dravec was fighting the wind coming from the ventilator. Trying but failing to keep the form of a man and making angry swirls in between conversions.

I quickly switched off the ventilation and fell laughing on top of the steering wheel.

Big bad evil spirit gets ass whooped by ventilator.

Hearing my laughter, Dravec ditched his attempts at staying in human form and whirled angrily through the car.

Uhoh. Big bad spirit pissed off.

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