Short Note

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I am a huge fan of the Helena Callahan series (Emmiie) and this is a fan fiction story featuring Chloe, Helena and Noah. And maybe some others (Darien is very tempting). Vote if you like it. Any comments are welcome, I'll try to answer them ASAP.


As a child, Chloe Faulkner had shifted the balance in the supernatural world in favour of the vampires. As if it wasn't enough that she had killed her father, her conscious also has to deal with the increasing number of deaths that is caused by the resulting vampiric plague. As Chloe gets older, her powers increase, and she realizes that again she can make a difference. There is a way to fix the mess that she has created. There is a way to stop the blood shed. What she doesn’t realize is that this fix comes at a great cost. Chloe Faulkner to the rescue in Just One Fix.

One shot: Just One FixOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant