Chapter 2: Face off

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The vampire was tall, handsome and had fiery blond hair.

“You just puked up some black smoke and kissed it. Disgusting. What the f*ck are you?” he asked and started to laugh again.

I needed to leave before he decided to make a meal out of me.

I imagined sand and water hitting his face.

While this distracted him (God, I sometimes love being a witch), I swam to my clothes, grabbed them and took off running into the woods.

Whilst running, I tried to put on my shirt. Before I realised that this was stupid and misplaced (he sees me as food not as a woman) it was too late.

He appeared in front of me and got hold of my arm, leaving me no other option.

This m*therf*cker was not going to eat me. Period.

I let Silver out and it crashed down my veins revelling in its freedom. Snarling it quickly grasped control.

I felt its strength returning and my body started to glow.

I took advantage of Mr. Vampire’s surprise and elbowed him in the face. I heard bones crack and turned to flee in the other direction.

Better to run than to confront if you are alone, Granny always taught me.

While I was running back to the pond, I searched the ground for something that resembled a stake. You would expect to find something like that in a wood. But no…never when you need it the most!

 Mr. Vampire was cursing behind me. Rubbing his face, trying to recover.

That didn’t take long. Before I reached the pond he intercepted me, locking me in an embrace I couldn’t get out of.

My God he was strong.

Normally as the Beast I had no trouble taking on vampires, but I never met one as strong as Blondie.

I increased the light I was emitted in an attempt to blind him, but he didn’t seem affected at all.

I kicked against his shins and head butted him, but still he kept me in a tight lock.

As a desperate attempt I wiggled one of my hands free, grabbed his nuts,  and twisted and turned them until he let go.

He sank to the ground hissing and groaning.

“You are going to be so sorry for this…I wasn’t going to hurt you but now…” He moaned.

I didn’t wait for him to finish that sentence as I took of running again. I fled deeper into the wood, trying to find somewhere to hide.

I couldn’t go home. I would lead him to Gran.

I needed some way to get rid of him.

Frantically I searched for some kind of incantation that either transported him somewhere far away, or me home.

Silver made me stronger, but impeded my concentration. He was gnarling and panting, urging me to attack and kill the vampire.

“No! Not if I don’t need to!” I hissed back to him.

I sat down besides one of the trees, trying to catch my breath. Think, girl, think.

“Little girl, come out, come out, wherever you are.”

The vampire was searching for me, walking slowly and carefully through the trees.

“Fairy, come on. Glow for me. You were so pretty. Painful but pretty.” He jested.

One shot: Just One FixOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz