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The sunlight was too bright as I emerged and I had to squint until my eyes became accustomed to the change in lighting. I did, however, bask in its heat, letting the warmth spread throughout my body. It wasn't as warming as the darkness flowing through my veins, but it was pretty darn close.

Catching movement in the corner of my eye, my head snaps around to locate the source, my dark hair flicking around behind me, creating a dark halo around me momentarily. My arms shot up to brace myself in case I had to fight my way out of this; a few seconds later I was almost fully convinced that it was only a fragment of my imagination after all. I dropped my stance and that was when I felt the cold wind sweep in from the west.

Only then did I look down at my tattered clothes and my breath caught in my throat.

My jeans, which were once a royal blue in colour are now an indistinguishable colour that stood somewhere between grey and brown and were ripped in more than one place; unintentionally ripped. Dry blood from the accident crumbles and falls with each step I take and gives the visual of a rather morbid constellation; the specks of crimson being the stars amongst a Universe collapsing into itself.

Not even being able to bring myself to think about what my reflection would look like, I show my face to the sun once more, muttering a silent curse to myself. Looks can be misleading, which was not so indifferent as to the current situation I was in currently.

It was as one normally mistook the sun in the sky as a good and warm omen, only to actually step outside for less than a minute and decide it wasn't as perfect as they'd originally thought it to be.

The rooftop was much higher than I'd thought it to be, but alas, I managed to reach the top, celebrating by lying spread out like a starfish as I caught my breath. I'd wanted to do this for a long while now and as I edged towards the ledge with my legs over the concrete, falling freely, my arms anchored behind me for extra support, I wondered how in hell I was going to get back down but pushed the thought to the back of my mind. Today I'd be here to witness my first sunset and nothing could ruin it for me.

A loud shriek left my mouth as I heard someone trying to climb up after me. This resulted in my ears being pierced at the volume and apparently the other persons' too as I heard a fall followed curtly by a groan.

Gingerly, I crawled my way over to the opposite ledge, my head peeking over to see a Kit on his back, groaning.

I let out a childish giggle.

"Never let me surprise you again, Princess," he groaned, getting to his feet, "You try to do something nice and they try to kill you. Yeesh."

I huffed. "Well you gave me a bloody heart attack, you turd," I placed my hand over my chest in an over-dramatic manner, my eyes wide. "Hurry up, you're going to miss it!"

I regained my former position as he climbed up much quicker and easier than I did and took a seat beside me.

As I glanced over, I noticed a few stray leaves from the annual autumnal shedding embedded into his hair and I picked them out, flattening them between my palms as we sat in content silence, watching the sunset.

The sky was on fire. Vivid, bold colours filled my vision and it was nothing like I had ever seen before.

Where the sun formerly sat, emitted a bright, warming yellow. Normally, yellow was a colour that I hated with a passion, but at the time, it was mesmerising. The yellow gradually faded into a tropical orange, which in turn gave off a fiery red glow. It was almost impossible to distinguish where one colour faded out and another faded in.

And as soon as it came, it was over.

Half an hour or so later, we were emerged in near to complete darkness, the only light being emitted was a faint glow of the streetlights in the distance, far from the woods, Kit shifted, suggesting that we should get going. He had given me his jumper yet I figured that he was getting cold too.

It then hit me. There was no way on earth I would be able to get down without hurting myself or causing an embarrassing scene. I voiced my thoughts, trailing off towards the end.

Kit glanced up at me briefly as he was already halfway down before jumping the remainder of the way, landing perfectly on his feet.

"Why not?" He asked confusion written plainly on his face.

"Uh. I can't exactly.." I gestured to the ground as if to emphasize what I could NOT do and to my surprise, he opened his arms wide, looking up at me.

"I'll catch you."

"I'll probably end up crushing you." I retailed, wincing at the image. Nope, not in HELL am I jumping.

"Stay put, I'll be right back." He held up a finger as if to say 'one moment' before disappearing off into the treeline, emerging a good ten minutes later or so.

He carried some pillows and a backpack. Throwing the pillows up, he joined me soon after.

"If you can't come down, then I'll just have to stay up here with you." He shrugged. "Oh, and you won't crush me." He smiled.

He pulled out some packeted food from his backpack and some blankets.

We built a fort atop the building, eating the food he'd brought up, laying on our backs, looking up at the stars.

I remembered falling asleep with a smile on my face and was awoken early the next day due to a natural disturbance.

"Kit!" I squealed and he turned over to face me, laughing as I buried my face in his chest, "Kit get up, it's raining! The sheets are going to get soaked!"

"Kit!" I squealed and he turned over to face me, laughing as I buried my face in his chest, "Kit get up, it's raining! The sheets are going to get soaked!"

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