"It broke about three o'clock today." answers Amy leaning her head on my shoulder. "She's been running around since." Momma and Daddy laugh and I roll my eyes and playfully push her off.

"I'm glad you feel better MoMo." smiles Momma adjusting the camera. "Are you going to be able to practice tomorrow?"

"Yeah but only in the afternoon." I say.

"As long as her fever stays away." adds Tobin. "She's going to be going to sleep in the next few hours."

"Tobs it's only seven." I pout.

"Yeah and you'll be in bed by nine-thirty." she says tapping my nose. I cut my eyes at her and huff. She always treats me like such a baby. 

"I think that's a good idea kiddo." says Momma. "You need your rest. Just because that fever went away does not mean you're back to one hundred percent. I don't want you going nuts during training tomorrow. You better take it easy if you know what's good for you."

"Your Momma's right princess." agrees Daddy. "If we find out you don't take it easy you're going to be in trouble when you come to visit."

"Yes sir." I mumble looking down. Tobin, Momma, and A-Rod talk for a little while before I get brought back into the conversation. 

"Morgan Paige are you listening?" asks Momma.

"Huh? What did you say?" I ask. 

"We were asking you what you thought about going with Amy to see Ryan once camp is over and I'll meet you there so I can see the little guy and then we'll fly back to NOLA together so you can see Daddy." explains Momma not looking very happy to have to repeat herself. 

"Yes ma'am that's fine." I say sheepishly. 

"Morgan." calls Daddy curiously.


"Why aren't you wearing your splint for your finger?" he asks raising his eyebrows. "You need to go put it on."

"Its heavy." I explain hoping to get out of wearing it. 

"Moe it's going to heal crooked if you don't. I know it's not that comfortable but you need it. Please go put it on love bug." he says softly. I frown but nod.

"I'll be right back. Don't hang up." I tell them giving Tobin the iPad to hold. 

"We won't baby." assures Momma as I climb over Amy and off the bed. I run down to mine and Julie's room to get the stupid splint. As I go to swipe my key card I notice something out of the corner of my eye. I turn and see it's Mallory standing in her doorway holding a book. She looks like she's lost in thought. 

"Mal?" I question walking towards her. "Kid what's wrong?"

"Moe?" she says startled. "Oh h-hey."

"Whatcha doing standing here? I thought you were going to work on your homework tonight." I say looking down at the book in her hand and notice it's an anatomy text book. 

"I don't- I need help." she sighs glancing around me to my door. "Chris said she'd help, but she's not answering my text and she's with Julie and and-"

"Mal calm down." I say giving her a hug. "You don't need to cry. I was just about to go in there to get something. Come with me and we'll see what they're up to, okay?" My younger teammate nods into my shoulder so I lead her back across the hall and into our room. "Hey guys." I greet going to the desk to get my splint. "Chris, Mallory, needs help with her anatomy."

"Mal I'm hanging out with JJ right now." says Christen dismissively. "Why don't you go ask Becky?"

"You said you'd help though." frowns the teen furring her eyebrows together. 

"I'm busy right now." 


"No Mallory." states Press firmly. Mal huffs loudly showing that she's annoyed and stomps out slamming the door. Christen groans and rubs her face. 

"Pressy you should go talk to her." suggest Julie nudging her. "She's been lugging that book around since last Thursday, obviously she's having some trouble."

"You're right." sighs CP getting up. "I'll go check on her."

Mallory's POV

Christen is a jerk face. I throw my text book on the floor before flopping down on my bed and yelling into my pillow. I get done and roll over on my back and frown. "Mallory Diane Pugh open this door right this minute miss thing." says Chris knocking on my door. I get up and swing the door open and without looking at her I go back to being face first on my bed. I hear her pick up my book and put it on the desk before sitting down next to me. "Mal baby, look at me please." I shake my head no and turn my face away from her. She didn't want to talk to me earlier so I don't want to talk to her now. "Mallory Diane." she says in a warning tone. I continue to stare at the wall. "Mal c'mon." she sighs. After me not replying she gets quiet for a few minutes before saying, "I'm sorry baby, but you made me have to do this." Her hands immediately attack my sides with tickles making me burst out into laughter and roll over to face her. 

"Chrisy- Chris stop!" I giggle kicking my feet trying to get her away from me.

"There's that million dollar smile." grins Christen finally stopping. I sheepishly mutter thanks and hide my face in her lap. "Oh don't do that pretty girl." She lifts my head off her lap and helps me sit up. 

"Why won't you help me with my worksheet?" I ask frankly crossing my arms. Her smile falters at my question and she reaches to push my hair off my face that has fallen out of my braid because of a recent visit from the Tickle Monster. "You said you would this morning and you said you'd take me to the mall but instead you watched a movie with JJ."

"Baby I'm sorry." she apologizes softly. "I honestly forgot that we had plans and when Julie came down for dinner I got so excited because I haven't been able to see her I didn't even think about it."

"It's okay." I tell her leaning against her shoulder. "I shouldn't have gotten so md when you told me you were busy. Everybody on the team has offered to help me too so I should have just gone to someone else." 

"I should have come as soon as you texted me the first time. Julie would have understood if we needed to reschedule. In fact, JJ is the one who told me to come talk  to you."

"Really?" I curiously ask.

"Yep. " nods Chris pecking my forehead. "We all care about you Mal-Pal." I smile thankfully and snuggle closer to Christen happily. "I love you little bit, but we have got to get your temper under control. I can't have my little sister going around slamming doors and stomping off now can I?" I shake my head no so she kisses the top of it again. "That's my girl. Now how about we get started on the anatomy sheet?"

"Okay." I nod getting up to get the stuff smiling gratefully. "Hey Chrisy?"

"Yeah Mally?"

"I love you." 

"I love you too baby girl." 

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