Chapter 8

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Silence filled the air but so did doubt. I could see Josh was nervous. He tried to remain calm but his foot kept vigorously tapping away. It got faster and faster by the second. Eventually he snapped. He got up angrily and wrapped his hands around his mouth.

"I just don't understand how they found me." He yelled. A few people turned around to look at him. He didn't care though. It was as if everything had come tumbling down in a matter of seconds. He looked crazy, paranoid. Insane.

Yet I was calm. I liked the excitement and the adrenaline. I liked the fact that me and Josh had this little bond that was growing stronger and stronger with each minute that passed. I liked the mystery. I liked it all.

"We have to get out of here." He muttered.

I stayed quiet and looked around. I froze.


"Not now Victoria i'm thinking." He said.

"Umm Josh..." I whispered frantically.

"I said i'm thinking."

"Well think faster. I think they found us."

He just froze and looked at me and then around.


That was the only word that managed to escape his mouth. Two huge men came charging at us. We jumped up and took off running to the door, but it was blocked by more guys. Ok seriously what the hell did Josh do?

"Through the back." I yelled jumping over the counter. We both pushed the employees to the side and they ended up getting in the way of the crooks. Which gave us a few seconds of advantage over them.

We exited through the backdoor, triggering the alarm. We took off running down the alley  but it was a dead end. I looked back and saw that the men were quickly catching up to us. We had no other option but to climb the ladder and start climbing up the building. I went up first but Josh was right behind me. It was an apartment complex. Luckily there was a window open and we slid in through there.

Inside the apartment was an old lady who was asleep. We were careful not to make a even a peep. We tiptoed through the apartment. I could hear the clunker of the boots climbing up the stairs. They were close.

After we left the apartment we ran down the flight of stairs. I was out of breath and truly terrified but we had to keep moving. I followed Josh into the parking lot.

"Josh we need to get away from here." I said. He ignored me and pressed a button. Then it hit me, he had stolen the old woman's keys. If we were in trouble before, now we are in deeper shit.

I heard a distant horn and we followed it rapidly. My jaw dropped. She had a motorcycle. A smirked formed on both of our lips. There was two helmets. I through on the pink one and he grabbed the black one. He quickly started the bike and hopped on. I held onto him for dear life. As we left I heard gunshots. Thankfully none were able to hit me or Josh, but we barely made it out alive. We were able to loose these vile creatures in town and eventually we got back on the highway and continued our trip. Right before leaving New Mexico, Josh pulled over and we had dinner at an old fashioned diner.

"Josh I need answers." I said softly. He just looked up at me annoyed. He stared into my eyes and his expression slowly softened up. Strange.

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