Chapter 4

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I assume John thought I was mentally unstable at that moment and so did I. I became mad at that moment and I thought of murder and that was a sin. My mind went blank and I almost murdered John. I was scared of myself but most importantly I was scared for John and what he would think of me. He was the only thing I had in this world and I did not want to loose him. He was the only thing that kept an ounce of sanity inside of me. Without him I would loose it all, including my sanity.

The first thing he did was call his best friend James. James was a doctor.

Surprisingly John did not let me out of his sight until James showed up. I stayed quiet leaning against the wall, clutching my knees and softly crying. I was scared, like a small child that was defenseless against the storm that was about to come.

John sat on the edge of the bed just staring at the floor. Occasionally he would glance at me but I avoided his eyes at all costs. The house had a deadly silence within itself. The only thing audible was my sniffling and cries.

I lost track of time, it felt as if John and I were inside that room alone, for an eternity. When James showed up he let himself in and found John and I in our bedroom. I avoided his eyes as well. John got up and stepped outside to talk to James in private. John whispered to him therefore I could not eavesdrop. James stood right by the door and I could see him staring at me as John talked to him. I looked at James with no emotion but he had this compassion in his eyes that managed to make me smile. After a few minutes later James came inside the room and walked up to me. He threw me a charming smile but I stared at him with no emotion.

"How are you feeling Victoria?" He asked softly. I just stayed quiet. James asked me a few more question but I refused to respond. After about ten minutes he stood up and looked at John. John stared at me with fear. I could easily read him. He thought he lost me, but he was more afraid of what people were going to say when they found out that his fiancée was crazy.

James asked John to step outside so he could talk to me with confidence. John hesitated but eventually gave in and headed out, closing the door on his way out. A few seconds later we heard him go down the stairs, then his car turned on and he left burning tire. John was angry, what had James whispered to him?

"Oh God, Victoria what happened to your hands?" James asked in shock. I just dropped the blade that I held onto for dear life. James picked me up and sat me on the counter in the bathroom. He sanitized my cuts and then bandaged them up. He then walked into the room and handed me my clothes. I quickly slipped them on.

"What did John do?" James asked leaning back against the wall.

"He's cheating on me." I whispered. James just stayed quiet. He obviously knew it was the truth but did not know how to reply.

"How do you know that?" He asked after a few seconds.

"Because I see the truth in your eyes James. You know he's cheating on me, that is why you refuse to look me in the eyes. You are a good man, you would never hurt anyone but as of now you are torn between lying to me or betraying your best friend. You do not have to make the decision, because I already saw the truth on your face." I said coldly. He slowly looked up at me and smiled. He looked me in the eyes and took a step towards me. His huge man hands slowly cupped my face. He softly lifted it. I stared at him, unsure of what his motives were. James was a handsome man. His face slowly got closer to mine and it kept getting closer. He had no intentions of stopping. He was so close I could feel his breath. I was mesmerized on his stunning eyes, they were like expensive green emeralds.

"You look so broken." He whispered staring into my eyes.

"I am." I whispered. He tilted his head. Our lips brushed. I don't know why, but he crashed his lips into mine. I kissed back softly. He kissed me softly, not roughly, giving me a sense of class and respect toward this man. I snaked my arms around his neck deepening the kiss. Since I was sitting on the counter, he opened my legs and got in between them. His hands moved to my waist. He pulled me closer to him as I snaked my hands into his hair. He moaned and bit my lip causing me to gasp. He shoved his tongued into my mouth and I let him.

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