Chapter 12

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A/n: So sorry about the long wait guys... Schools been really tough!

After some negotiations, me and Lucy decided to move in together. We found a nice place to stay in, 70,000 jewels for rent. A little expensive but it's close to a shopping centre and overall, pretty convenient.

"Ahh.... We definitely found a good place." I leaned against the bathroom door and sighed. Lucy was taking a bath at the time, and I didn't want to intrude. Although, I wanted to talk to her so I settled with leaning against the door.

"Mmhmm, I'm glad you moved in with me Y/n. Not only are you a good friend, that means it'll be easier to pay rent! This place is kind of expensive.." Came Lucy's reply from behind the door.

"We should be able to get to know each other more this way too. I did only meet you a week ago." I chuckled slightly at the memory.

"Yeah.. Speaking of getting to know each other more.. Why did you tell Natsu and the others that you're name was C/n? You still haven't told me from that day." I jumped slightly and laughed.

"Oh sorry about that...Maybe it's best if I tell you when you get out of the bath.." I could hear Lucy huff.

"Hmph.. Alright then Y/n. I expect to know the full truth!" I laughed and rested my head against the door, waiting for Lucy to finish her bath. While waiting, I called for Lady Naga.

"You called for me, Y/n?" I breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

'Yes Milady. I already decided that I could trust Lucy, so I'm going to tell her the full story about my name, and my past. Do you approve of this? I also might need a little help.'

"Hmm.... Yes. I approve of this, but do be careful. It seems this girl is a bit chatty, and I don't think that word of 'a girl that was swept off into another universe, then came back' is a good rumour to be spread around the guild."

'Alright, I promise that I'll be careful. Thank you for the help.'

"My pleasure Y/n, I shall be going now." As soon as Lady Naga spoke that, Lucy burst open the door, startling me greatly.

"Nooow Y/n..." Lucy tapped her foot impatiently. "I want answers please!" Getting over my initial shock I smiled at her.

"Alright then.. You might want to take a seat, this'll take a while." She nodded and sat down next to me, eagerly waiting for me to tell my story. I gave a heavy sigh.

"Now then, where do I start? At the age of four, I was abandoned by my parents. I was found in the streets by a woman named Ul, she offered to train me and teach me Ice-make magic and I agreed. It was about half a year later I met Lyon, and soon after that I met Gray."

"Wait... Gray?! Ice-make magic... Could it be--?!" Lucy gasped. I gave her a side glance and sighed.

"I haven't finished yet Luce... We can talk about that after. Me, Gray and Lyon were Ul's pupils, training in the harsh cold everyday. It was all good and happy, until that day....
When the demon Deliora attacked a nearby village. Me, Gray and Lyon were practically useless against it, leaving Ul to battle the demon alone. It was a hard fight, and in the end Ul was left to use a certain spell called 'Iced shell.' The after effect of this spell however, transforms the user's body to ice for all eternity. Lyon was unconscious, and me and Gray were left there to morn. For an unknown reason I began to glow and practically disappear into thin air. I thought I was dying, and once I disappeared completely, I was sure I was dead. Turns out, I was swept off into another dimension. And this is where I call for some assistance."

I was sure I had broken down in tears at this point, and taking a quick glance at Lucy, it seemed like she had too. Standing up, I shakily grabbed a f/c key and pointed it forward.

I'm frozen, but I melt under your touch. (Gray x reader)Where stories live. Discover now