Toast to Donald

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Donald Trump is the best man to ever grace America in history. He makes sure all the filthy Mexicans and Muslims stay in their fucking slums of countries. He will ban gay marriage and all gays will be persecuted, just like the good old days. Why do people consider gays human anyway? Like the trusty Bible says, gays are abominations. People who choose to be homosexual will meet their righteous punishment in hell. Trump will ensure that. The same goes for transgenders. How DARE you change what got made you? How DARE you abuse your perfectly designed testicles? And transgenders say it "makes them happy (filthy sinners) because of their brain functions being attuned to the opposite gender." Complete scientific lies. Who needs science to explain things when you have religion? All scientists should burn in hell. Trump will declare war on ISIS and wipe them out, the American way! The war will be the greatest in human history! If you deny these facts, I will ask God to send you to hell. You have all been warned.

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