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    I walked into the next room, there sat a dummy that looked like it might fall over. I soon realized that I wasn't fighting Toriel, I was fighting a dummy! I was so relieved. "As a human living in the underground, monsters may attack you. You will need to be prepared for this situation. Worry not! The process is simple. When you encounter a monster (or dummy that will probably fall over sooner or later) you will enter a FIGHT" Toriel said. "You don't need to scream the word fight every time you say it." I said. "Well...everyone screams the word so I do it since it sounds cool" Goat mom replied. "Anyways, while you're in a fight, strike up a friendly conversation"

   I said "Hello Toriel! We are in a FIIIIGHT, anyways you like to murder kids? Probably, you're gonna do it to me too aren't you." Toriel gave me a blank stare. She guided me over to the dummy. "I am not talking to this thing" I said. Suddenly, the heart was back, and I said "You're weird" to the dummy. Of course, it being a dummy, just sat there. "You might fall over" I said quietly, so Toriel wouldn't hear me. The dummy started flying away. Toriel burst out laughing and said "The dummy is bored of your shenanigans!" I ran away from Toriel and she yelled after me "It was a joke, come back!"

   "Finally, I'm away from her." I thought as I ran throughout the Ruins. Suddenly, I was at a very long hallway.

UnderTale True PacifistWhere stories live. Discover now