Dinner (#2)

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Angus's p.o.v~
     Linus has been back every since Monday. He's still coughing, but he's not dying, so he'll be okay. Hopefully I don't catch his cough. That would be absolutely horrible since I have a presentation next Tuesday.
Did I ever mention that? It's about the Civil War. We have to make a poster and present it and all. I can guarantee it will make my B go down to a C+, due to my presentation skills. I
Hopefully my parents don't get onto me too much, especially because I still want to visit Linus's house. If I'm grounded, I can't go anywhere. My electronics are taken, along with my dignity.

Not that I actually have dignity to be taken. I've embarrassed myself so many times at school, it's morbid.
People have watched me trip and fall multiple times and I think I've ended up with tears in my eyes a few times. Sometimes you need to just..break loose I guess.

This Friday has gone pretty well. Linus is completely over his cough, and here's a plot twist- I didn't catch it! I guess fate had my back this time.

This weekend, we're planning on heading to the park for a picnic and some fishing. It sounds like a blast, but it doesn't feel how it sounds. Just thinking, "raw fish, bugs in food, dressing in messy clothes", they don't all sound like a great plus for a trip.
I'll try my best to be happy because Linus is coming with us, and I really like hanging with him. He's a great friend, well, besides when he makes fun of my name. Yes, yes, I know I'm named after a cow.

Thanks for noticing.

Someday I'll change my name. I could stick with the misery too. It's debatable every so often.
I reach for my pocket about to pull out my cell phone when Linus sees me in the halls. "How was the test in geometry?" "It was okay. How was English?"
Our schedules were pretty much polar hopposites, but the same classes. It didn't stop us from each other.
I start trailing off about the Pythagorean theorem while he dazes off into his own world ignoring every word I list.
"Earth to Linus! Helloo!" Linus jumps after I start chuckling. "What?" He seemed really confused. Was he really that tired or was something wrong? "Hey, are you okay Linus? You're really out of it." "Yeah, yeah. I'm alright. I just dozed off there for a second. I was dreaming about the floating marshmallows and chocolate rivers in wolly land."
There he goes again. Wording off his smartest response of sarcasm.
"Do you want to come over for dinner? My parents are making us spaghetti, and chances are that we'll have way too many left overs."
This wasn't a date right? If it was a date then his parents wouldn't be there. Maybe he's making dinner? That would be pretty cute. "Hey Linus-" wait a minute. He said "my parents"... Not "I am making". "What was that Angus?" "Oh nothing. I was just going to say that I will ask my dad today if I can come over. You're across the street so as long as I'm home before nine for a shower I should be able to make it."
Linus threw the same words at me, "Earth to Angus!"
"Dang it Linus, only I can say that. It's my saying."
Linus raises one eyebrow, furrowing the other, while holding out his hand. "Get up, we're gonna be late for the next class, dork."
Thankfully we did have at least physics class together. I would go crazy without him.
"Okay, don't forget to speak to your parents. I'll text you tonight so you remember because I know how you can be. Forgetful."
Sure, thanks for that compliment Linus. "Thanks, I'll check for it so I can remember."
"If you remember to check."
"Shush it Linus."
     "Did you just tell me to shush it?" He had a confused look on his face, while I'm laughing. "Yes I said to shush it. You're a complete dork, you know?"
I let out a faint chuckle while feeling my cheeks turn shades of red.  Linus whips around with a witty remark as always.
     "So I've been told."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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