"You cried so much, it was like your nose parted the Red Sea. Ooooo, you could've filled a whole bucket. I'll get you a crying bucket okay? I'll bring it to you tomorrow?" He looks at me with so much hope and happiness in his eyes. I nod and he gets up, filled with joy.

"Thanks Jasp. You're the best." I manage to say softly with a smile in my tone and my eyes yet not on my lips. He smiles like a doof and walks off. I take out my phone to see my face. My eyes have that reddish pink color in them and are still glossy. My throat is really dry from my stupid loud sobbing. My face looks dry from all the tears. My nose has a red tint and I look terrible. I wipe my face just to clean myself off. Then my phone rings and I pick it up.

"Hey kiddo, you okay? You've been gone for an hour, your parents told me everything and they already left." My Uncle's voice says. Of course they're already gone. I've been gone for an hour? I fucking cried for an hour? Damn.

"Okay Uncle Rosco I'm coming home now." I say. I stand and start my trek home.

"Alright well I gotta leave soon. I gotta go to work. Someone has to support us now right?" He asks and I can just hear the stupid smile on his face.

"Alright Unc. Give me a few minutes, I'll be there." I say and then hang up. Maybe I'll finally get some peace at home. I hurry home and enter. I lock the door behind myself and listen but it's silent.

"Uncle!" I call out. I walk passed the living room and head straight for the kitchen. I hear rummaging as I get closer.

"Uncle Rosco" I call his name. He stops and stands, turning to look at me with a piece of celery on the side of his mouth. A small smile breaks out on my face.

"Hey girly, y'all ain't got no food huh?" He asks and I laugh. I walk up to him and wipe the side of his mouth, he looks at me a little embarrassed.

"No we don't, sorry." I say lightly and he shakes his head.

"That's not your fault babygirl." Unc says. My heart cracks. His eyes look at me and show immediate regret.

"Oh sweetie. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have used that name." He says engulfing me in a hug. I find myself crying my eyes out, sniveling as well. I muster up the strength to wipe my eyes and lift my head.

"It's okay, you can use it. It sounds good coming out of the mouth of someone that actually cares." I say sullenly. He pulls away and smiles sadly at me. I smile sadly back.

"Alright well green pea I gotta go now. I go on break around 9 so come to my job and we'll have dinner. I'll drop you home but do you have anyone who can bring you there?" He asks me. I shake my head.

"I'm not really hungry and besides I wouldn't have a ride there anyway. Just save something for me and I'll eat it tomorrow." I say and walk out the kitchen. I head upstairs to my room and I softly open and close my door. I plop on my bed and just lay there for a few minutes. I roll over onto my back and stare at the ceiling.

Do they really expect me to write them? Should I even care about them? Ugh, why do I still care? Why can't I just forget them like Casey did? 'Cause they're family and no matter how much I want to turn my back on them I can't. Fuck. But they left for a reason, I know it was cause I was too much for them to put up with on top of their disliking for one another. I can't be bothered with them. I will not let this affect me, I can't. School is going really well for me and if I dwell too much on my home life then school will be messed up. School is my ticket, my one way out. My eyelids feel heavy. I close them just to relax.

I wake with a start, it's dark and I can't see. I close my eyes and lay motionless. I feel for my phone and open my eyes when I can't find it. I turn on my screen to see it's 3 a.m. Thank goodness, I can get in 5 more hours of sleep. I unlock my phone and check my messages. 2 from mom, 1 from dad, 1 from my sister and 1 from Jasper. I get up and use my phone's flashlight to find my iPod. I turn on my iPod to see that it's dying and I have 4 missed face-time calls from Jasper. I plug my iPod into its charger by my dresser and return to my bed to sit. I look at my messages.

Mother Hey girly, I hope you're not too mad at us. Your dad and I weren't supposed to be together long if at all, but we stuck it out for you albeit very poorly. I'm so sorry Baby. 

 Please don't hate us. I hope we can all move on from this and just be happy. Call me whenever you want. I'll always answer. Love you

Father Babygirl I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me and don't hate your mother. We both do love you very much, things just weren't meant to be for us. Oh fuck that. I should have done more to make it work and I promise, once I get the help I need I'll be back in your life just like a father should.

I don't doubt for a single second that a custody battle will breakout soon, maybe after a couple of months. Although Dad does want me all to himself, he wouldn't prevent me from seeing Mom if I wanted. Mom has always expressed to me that we'd be better off without him in our lives and she should've left ages ago.

Casey I heard what happened. I'll allow you to live with me if you want. Only if you want to.

Ew no, I'm not moving and definitely not to live with my sister. I'm only slightly fonder of her than I am of my parents. I wouldn't really be happy.

Jasper I got you 2 crying buckets. They're actually really cute and tiny! I got mini buckets! You aren't answering so maybe you're sleep. Anyways feel better and see you tomorrow. MINI BUCKETS I SAY!

I smile at Jasper's text. He still hasn't gotten over buckets. It's kinda cute, over time I've developed a minuscule admiration of buckets 'cause of him.

I plug my phone in the charger by my bed and turn it off, placing it under my pillow. I sigh and take off the clothes I had on today. I get up and grab some pj's. I put them on and lay back down. I get under my covers this time and go to sleep with the comforting hug from the blanket.

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