1. High School Years

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1st year

I sigh as I walk through the hallway crowded with club managers asking new students if they wanted to join their club. The only sentences that I have spoken this whole time have been "No", "Sorry, but no thanks", and "Not interested". I finally manage to wiggle through a crowd and get to the exit. I open the door and attempt to step out, only to crash right into someone. I fall back but before I can hit the floor, the person grabs my wrist and pulls me forward, causing me to be pressed against their chest.

"Oya? Sorry!" A voice says," Didn't see you there." I look up and find a tall boy with tan skin and a messy bedhead looking down at me.

Wait, he's actually pretty cute. GAH! What am I thinking?!

"A-ah! No! It's okay! It was my fault!" I shout a bit too loudly, making everyone in the hallway stop talking and turn to us. My face is basically tomato red and I yank my wrist out of his hand, causing his eyes to widen in surprise. "S-sorry!" I bow and try to head out of the building, but the boy grabs my wrist again.

"Oi! Before you leave, at least introduce yourself!" He says with a frown. I stutter and look away.

"L/N F/N! N-nice to meet you . . ."

"Kuroo. Kuroo Tetsurou." Kuroo replies with a smirk. I grin and slowly take my wrist out of his grip once again.

"Well, I gotta get going! I need to find the volleyball gym." I say, turning away.

"Wait, volleyball gym? You're signing up for the girls volleyball club?!" I turn to Kuroo and find him looking at me with eyes shimmering with curiosity.

"A-ah, no. I'm signing up to be a manager for the boys volleyball tea-"

"I'll take you then. This way!" Kuroo says as he drags me out of the building and to the gym.

2nd year

I tug on my jacket sleeves as I watch our volleyball team practice. A good friend of mine, Yaku Morisuke, turns to me and gives me a thumbs up. I give him a thumbs up back and my gaze drifts to Kuroo. He glances at me and then smirks, causing me to blush. I notice Yaku raising an eyebrow at me, his expression saying "How obvious can you be?". I roll my eyes and look down to my shoes, realizing that I'm going to confess to Kuroo in just minutes.

Practice has ended, and I'm waiting outside of the locker room. My arms are folded and I'm tapping my feet on the floor impatiently. I watch Kenma-chan walk out of the locker room, with Kuroo following him.

"K-Kuroo!" I shout, regretting everything.

I even messed up his name, how terrible.

Kuroo turns to me and grins while waving. I gesture for him to come over, and he says something to his childhood friend. Kenma-chan nods and looks at me. Though his face looks expressionless, he's actually trying to say "Good luck" with it. I smile and Kuroo makes his way to me.

"What is it, L/N-chan~?" He says, a smirk replacing his grin, "Come here to confess?" I take in a deep breath and look at him.

"Actually, yes." I confirm.

Oh shit shit shit I should've said no and asked him what the Algebra homework was. SHIT.

What I said takes him by surprise and he chuckles nervously.

"I like you, Kuroo." I say, my fists clenching and my face turning red. Kuroo rubs the back of his neck nervously and sighs.

"How can I put this?" He mumbles,"But, no thanks. Sorry, but better luck next time, yeah?"

Fate ~ Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader ~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora