Chapter 2 | Why are you here?

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*Luna's POV*

¨KAWAII~CHAN !!" Aphmau screamed running out the door. Aaron and I followed her, sprinting to where we heard Kawaii~Chan and Nekoette's screams had been heard from.

We ran out to the center of town, where Kawaii~Chan and Nekoette were surrounded by what looked like 3 guards, and the sun was going down, the ray of light from the sun and moon shun down, showing Zane's face.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ZANE?!" Aphmau yelled to him.

*imagine LucariosKlaw's voice because oMF* "mwahaha! you really thought it would be so easy to get rid of me! hahaha!" Zane yelled back.

I hadn't seen Zane since...


He gave her a sly smirk and lowered his sword. He slowly began to walk closer to Aphmau.

"You silly girl aphmau. After all these years you haven't changed a bit, have you?" He was now only a few feet in front of her.

"Zane... tell me why your here." Aphmau looked down to the ground, sword still up and ready to be swung if necessary.

I looked over at Aaron, who looked as though he was ready to pounce on Zane and slay him on the spot. He looked extremely angry, I was too, but he almost couldn't control himself. He was shaking, by what seemed like frustration, this was the man... who had taken... his everything. He was so close to killing me, but Aaron saved me last minute. I owe him my life.

Aphmau must have been able to sense that Aaron was extremely angry as well, for she told him to try and calm down, only loud enough for the two of us to hear her and not Zane.

"Now my little Aphmau, what fun would it be to spoil the fun? Why not have a little excitement!" Zane swung his sword, centimeters away from slashing Aphmau's face, until-

"WHAT THE-" Zane yelled at me, spit flying onto my cheek.

I had... transformed? I had become the glowing creature, I had still looked like me, but was entirely different.

"What..." I had thought to myself before being swung at by Zane.

Not only did I block it, but Aaron came in the try and protect me as well.

"Luna, take on those other guards. I believe in you. Aphmau !! take Kawaii~Chan and Nekoette~Tan to safety, and bring Dante Garroth and Laurence... Fast." Aaron yelled to us. Can I take them on myself...

I get swung at, and get a little cut on my arm.

"Agh!" I screamed, it hurt more than anything I had ever felt in my life.

"I need to get into action..." I thought to myself while grabbing onto the cut on my arm.  "Maybe I can..."

I swing at the guards, hitting against there swords. I let go of my arm and continued to fight. I looked over at Aaron, who was fighting hard. it was almost difficult to see the sword he was swinging, but of course Zane is an excellent blocker.

"Need to be focused !!" I thought to myself. I looked back over at my opponents, ready to fight but...

One of the guards that came with Zane swung at me, I would have been cut straight through my ribs, if Dante hadn't of blocked him last minute, and protected me.

well me oh my wasn't that an interesting chapter. Zane wyd ?? Since when did you (your luna lmao) get a sword ?? find out next chapter ;))

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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