Chapter 1 | a new guard..?

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*Luna's POV*
*Luna's outfit above*

"I'm glad you're fitting in well." Dante said to me.

I shrugged, it was fine until i had to stay with Dante and his family. Not that I have anything against them, I love them, I would just feel better if I had Aaron next to me. He had been there with me through... everything. Through everything with our parents, his family, Zane... but I shouldn't be thinking about that.

Kawaii~Chan was baking cookies when she called for me.

"Luna~Sama! come help Kawaii~Chan and Nekoette~Tan make cookies!" Kawaii~Chan yelled from inside. Oh yea- I was outside practicing combat with Dante and Dimitri at the time.

"Nekoette can make them extra chocolatey like Luna~Sama likes !!" Nekoette smiled at me. She really did have the prettiest smile.

"Thank you Nekoette !!" I laughed to her.

The three of us had made about four batches of cookies all in our personal favorite types of cookies. Mine had extra chocolate, Nekoettes had peanut butter and chocolate, and Kawaii~Chan's were extra chewy. The last batch was made from the left overs of all our dough and put into one batch.

"Nekoette~Tan, do you want to help bring these around the village with Kawaii~Chan?"

Of course she said yes, but I really wanted to continue the combat practice with the boys.

"Oh come on Luna~Sama! We can go see Aaron and Aphmau!"

That caught my attention. She knew it would to. Darn you Kawaii~Chan knowing my desire to see them! I've been dying to talk to Aaron, I hadn't seen him all day, as for Aphmau, I wanted to see if she would consider me to be one of her guards, even if I may be a little young compared to her other guards.

"Fineeee." I called out to her with my batch of cookies, and walked out the door.


After passing out cookies for what felt like a thousand different people, we finally came to Aphmau's room, and I was very anxious for her to open the door.

Kawaii~Chan knocked on the door and said

"Cookies for Aphmau~Senpaiiii!!"

After a few seconds Aphmau opened the door, and I saw Aaron behind her. So there's where he's been.

Aphmau invited us in and grabbed a cookie as we walked in. She smiled and said thank you. I offered Aaron a cookie, and he shook his head no. It honestly made me a little sad. He had been acting so hostile lately.

The five of us talked for a bit (with very little coming from Aaron,) before Kawaii~Chan suggested we continue passing out cookies

"Kawaii~Chan, do you think it would be okay if I stayed here for a little bit..? I wanted to ask Aphmau a question." I gave Kawaii~Chan my begging eyes, because I knew her weakness was cute things, and she couldn't stand my puppy eyes.

"Uhh... Kawaii~Chan guesses so... but come back soon so we can bake some more !!" Kawaii~Chan grinned to me and left with Nekoette.

"So Luna, what did you want to talk about?" Aphmau grinned at me.

"Well, I really wanted to see im maybe... I could... be one of your royal guards or something..." I murmured. Why was I feeling so nervous about this now? Was it because I'm in front of Aaron too?

I was anxious, and trying to read her face. She seemed to be thinking pretty hard about it, was she really considering having me as a guard? She turned over to Aaron and asked me if they could have a minute...

"Luna, you know I love having you and Aaron here, but I don't think your ready to be guard yet. I think that you have done a lot of training, which is great, but I don't think that you yet have enough combat experience." She said. I looked over to Aaron, he was looking to the ground, but looked a little guilty. Did he think... I wasn't ready too? He had been pushing me to ask her about it...

"Aphmau I-" I was cut of by a mischievous laughter, and the sounds of screams, sounding a lot like Kawaii~Chan and Nekoette. We had to move fast.

Hey guys !! hope you liked the first chapter... please please vote and show friends for more !! I love you fam !!

p.s omf i wrote 740 words not counting the authors note am proud

p.p.s im usually not a begged for views but im actually trying with this story unlike my last one so you know how it is

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