Trust & Escape

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Your POV
   "I don't like the person they've become. The person I've become. Especially when I lost someone so close to me..."
   He takes out a gold ring, and stares at it for a second before putting it back into his pocket.
   "So would you like to come with me?"
   "... Sorry Sky, but I have people that need me..."
   "Haha, I expected that. The only way that you could leave here was if you came with me..."
   That wasn't necessarily true...
   "Maybe we'll cross paths another time..."
   "Haha! I know we will..."
Max's POV
   I walk into the room to check on Y/N, and Cory and his dumb dog, shotgun out.
   They weren't there.
   "What?! Where'd they go?!" I shout. People don't just disappear into thin air!
   "Guards! Sound the alarm!" I yell. These guys were not getting away.
Your POV
   "'Kay, let's just hope they don't check the vents." I say, hoping for the best.
   "Yeah, don't wanna be caught again." Cory chuckles, walking along. The vent way was about three blocks tall (For this is Minecraft Fallout after all), filled with a weird goo that coated a fourth of each wall.
   "I hope Adam and Maddy are okay," I whisper, though Cory heard me. He turns his head around to see me as he walked.
   "Who's Maddy?" he asks. I snort as we pull our handguns out.
   "Only friends call her Maddy. Real name is Madeline. I'm not sure how her and Adam are doing, considering she has rather horrid trust issues. Well, and the fact that I left them in a room. Alone. Together." I tell him. He holds in a laugh as we navigate through the vent system. We find an unlocked vent and go through, climbing down quickly and quietly. Going across the room, we silently climb up another ladder, leading to more vent halls.
   "Wait a sec. So you're telling me that you left a trigger-happy half-ghoul in a room with some random woman?" Cory puts together. I scoff.
   "She's anything but a random woman," I say,"She's a tough, lonely girl around my age that is skilled in guns & artillery, and a superb markswoman." I walk up to a vent, telling Cory and Uni to check the other ones. Locked. I walk over to the boys.
   "No such luck?" I ask. He sighs, giving me a nod. I sigh as well, walking over to the next vent. Uni jumps on it, making us fall through suddenly. I fall into Cory's arms with an "oof". I look up at him, giving an uncomfortable laugh, but not before our faces turned red on how little space was between us.
   Putting down, I take in the sight as Cory and Uni argue on how much Uni ate. Adam, Maddy, and the eyeless man were here, in this lab type thing. The walls were white-ish, covered in dust, grey tables scattered about with different things on top of them.
   "Maddy! Adam! You're okay!" I say happily, sprinting towards the two. I jumped and pulled them in for a tight hug. I could tell that Maddy was more surprised than Adam was, considering I haven't known them all that long.
   "It's nice to be appreciated." the eyeless man mumbles.
   "Mmhm. You too." I give him a pat on the head. He sees Cory and immediately runs over, pulling out a knife and putting it at his throat. I was going to stop him, but I didn't.
   The boys could handle this themselves.
   I tugged on Madeline's jacket sleeve, grabbing her attention. Once her gaze was on me, I motioned my head towards the door.
   "Locked." she whispers. I sigh, pointing towards the computers.
   "We could try." Maddy shrugs. I nod, silently walking to the computers. We needed to open these doors, and the only way to do that was to hack our way out. And luckily, we both had that experience.
   I could see and hear the three boys argue, there voices loud, but not loud enough to hear from the outside. No matter how hard I tried though, I couldn't block them out. Like a headache that wouldn't fade away.
   Pushing myself up from the desk, I stormed over to the three. I gabbed their collars and pulled them towards me.
   "Now," I growl,"Hacking into government level tech isn't easy. Especially when three five-year-old boys are shouting at each other like madmen. It also isn't easy seeing my good friends put weapons to each other's necks'! It's not right."
   I start going back to my work.
   "Then how'd you survive?" I turn around to face Adam's old friend.
   I whip out a gun and back him against a wall, lifting him by his shirt's collar.
   "You wanna find out? Because I do better with visuals." I grumble. He shakes his head. I put him down, placing the gun back into one of the various spots I keep my weapons on me. Once at my computer, I continue cutting my way through the network along with Maddy. I press one last button, and the door finally opens, and without a sound too.
   "Nice job girls!" Cory laughs, giving me a pat on the back. Adam does the same to Madeline, and she stiffens, unused to the friendly action.
   We walk into the hall, weapons out, waiting for the talking of the guards to subside. The exited through a door in the midst of the hall, and we headed down it. Making sure not to create any sound, I peeked through the windows, seeing nothing. I motion for us to continue forwards, and we do just that, wary of anyone coming in and attacking us.
   I look at the next room we find. The control room. We file in, me, Madeline and the eyeless man heading towards the computers. Cory pulls Adam over into a corner and apologizes for his traitor accusations from earlier. Adam says something about calling the man "Gray". Huh, that's cool. All I have for nicknames is "Pathfinder" and "Shadow Sniper". Explanation? I can find absolutely everyone and anyone. Also, I shoot people from the shadows, just for the element of surprise.
   "Gray" was activating his seven warheads that were outside. He wanted an hour's time before the blew the place to smithereens, but was only able to reach a limit of fifteen minutes right now.
   "We need more time than that. Keep going." I tell him. I was trying to get through the firewalls to help him, so far so good. Cory and Uni kept watch at the entrance, making sure any unwanted visitors were "gotten rid of", AKA, terminated.
   "Cory? We got company!" Uni shouts. Max barges through the doorway.
   "You aren't getting away that easily!" he yells, flipping a lever. It opened up another doorway, and dozens of guards came running out.
   We were surrounded yet again.

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