...Goes a Long Way

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England kept still as the new scene sank in. Broken glass littered the wet floor, though, that was the better part.

America and Russia stood only a few steps into the room, their clothing hanging off their bodies. America's glasses were on the floor, Russia's scarf hanging to his waist and trailing to the floor.

"England," America said slowly. "What happened?"

England didn't speak. He didn't know what to say.

"My clothes are too big. Did you put a spell on them?"

"Um..." England closed his book, putting that and his wand away quickly, keeping America and Russia in sight. He rushed and knelt in front of the two, not sure what to do.

A loud knocking interrupted his thoughts.

"England? England, France is looking for you."

"Canada!" America spun around. Tripping over his clothing in his rush to the door.

The door opened to reveal Canada. He saw England, but quickly looked down to see Russia and America.

England stood to his feet, already trying to prepare an explanation in his head.

"What happened?"

"I was trying to make some tea, then these two walked in and distracted me. It's not my fault!"

"Why are you so much taller than me?" America asked. He stared up at Canada, his eyebrows creased over his eyes.

"That's England's fault."


America held up his arms. "He made my clothes too big."

"Uh..." He looked to Russia, who seemed a bit panicked.

"How about we find you two some new clothes?"

America and Russia followed Canada down the hallway, trying to avoid tripping over their clothes. In another room in the back of the house, Canada found a trunk with old clothing in it. America seemed to get excited when he saw it.

When the lid was pushed back, America leaned in, pushing through the cloth. He pulled out an outfit and went to Russia. "Here! You can have these!"

Russia seemed a bit hesitant to take them. He reached out and let America deposit them into his arms. "Thank you," he said.

America smiled before turning back to get himself a change of clothes.

"Come on, Russia," Canada said. "You can go change in the bathroom." He gently lead him to the bathroom where he closed the door and proceeded to leave the room to give America privacy.

England came down the hallway looking panicked. "Where are they?"

"Getting dressed," he said, nodding towards the door. "What were you doing magic for?"

"Trying to make tea. You think I'm going a whole day without tea?"

"Alright, alright. You're explaining this to everyone else, though."

"What? No! We'll keep it a secret. Keep them away from everyone."

"And when they start asking about them? Besides, they're kids now. They're not exactly going to be quite, especially America."

England sighed. "You're right. How am I going to explain this?"

"That's your problem."

The door burst opened and America came running out, pulling Russia behind him by his hand.

Canada spun on his feet, dashing down the hallway. "Hey, wait!" He quickly caught them, holding them both by the collars of their shirts. They both wore old clothes, ones that probably hadn't been in fashion for at least two hundred years. "Where are you two going?"

"To get snacks," America said.

"America, it's almost time for dinner."

"But, Russia said he's hungry now."

Canada looked to Russia to see him nod.

"How about we go see how dinner's coming? Then we'll decide to wait or not."

They decided on that and made their way down to the kitchen, leaving England to come up with a reasonable explanation to tell the others.

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