Chpt. 13 What now?!

Start from the beginning

I lie there trying not to make a sound. I'm struggling to not whimper. I hurt so bad! It feels like my whole chest is on fire starting at my shoulder and branching out across my chest. Tears silently fall down my cheeks onto the berth. I'm my mind I'm screaming. 'Aaaaaaaarrrrrrhhhhh!!!!!' I look over at Doc. I need help, but I don't want to bother him. I really don't need him even more annoyed.

I was debating whether or not to get Doc's attention when Wheeljack walked in.

"Hey Doc I think I'm gonna- What's wrong with Lava?" He says. He probably saw me curled into a very tight ball.

"Hm?" Doc says obviously not actually listening to what Wheeljack was saying. I hear someone walking closer.

"Lava" It's Wheeljack that walked up to me. "Lava what's wrong?" All I can do is let out a quiet whimper. The pain is still increasing. "Doc get over here now!" Wheeljack yells the last part and I cower. I know he was yelling to Docbot, but I was in pain, and the yelling along with the pain was making me   think of him. I start shaking. I try to stop, but I can't. I heard Doc sigh in annoyance.

"Wheeljack I told you not to call me that. What do you want now?" He said in an angry and annoyed tone.

"Well if you would bother to turn around you would know." Wheeljack replies. I then feel someone, I'm guessing Wheeljack, rolled me so my back was to the wall and I was facing him. I couldn't contain my pain any more and I snapped and let out a terrible scream.

"AAAAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!" I am glad that I don't have a high pitched girly scream it is a lot lower in pitch, but it was definitely raw.

"Primus!" I barely heard Ratch yell, startled by my sudden scream. I then heard him rush over. "Wheeljack grab me that small needle over there. I'm going to sedate her so that she will stop screaming. Then we will find out what's wrong." Doc orders Wheeljack. I mentally freeze. I HATE needles. I know he used them earlier, but I wasn't awake enough then. I wasn't as aware of what was going on. I stop screaming and squeeze into a ball again. If he wanted to sedate me because of my screaming, I just won't scream. I continue to whimper. I hear Wheeljack walk back over.

"Here Doc." Wheeljack says. I'm guessing he handed Doc the syringe.

"Ok Lava you're going to feel a light jab." Doc tells me. I try to back up more, but my back hits the wall. I try to curl up more almost to hide. I whimper loudly.

"Doc wait." I hear Wheeljack interject.

"What?" Doc answers.

"I don't think she likes needles." Wheeljack says. I lift my head and look up at Wheeljack. We make eye contact, and I nod slightly.

"I'm sorry Lava, but we need to sedate you so that you won't be in as much pain. Please trust us." Wheeljack says. I am shocked that they are doing it to take away the pain. Normally needles are used on me to inflict pain not get rid of it.

"O-o-ok-k" I whisper shakily. I then uncurl slightly and squeeze my eyes shut. I feel someone, most likely Wheeljack since Doc has the syringe, pet my head lightly with his digit. I let out a small whimper when feels small poke in my arm. I then start to feel light headed. I look up at Wheeljack. For once showing how scared I truly am.

"Shhhh. It's ok you'll be fine." He encourages me with a small smile. I return the smile with a slightly pained one. I then close my eyes and succumb to the returning darkness.

AN: Hey guys. I decided to go ahead and update. I'm sorry that this chapters crummy and that it is similar to last chapter. I realized that after I had written it and I didn't want to re write it and it be even longer until I update. I was too stupid to not look back Anyway I tried to make it work. Let me know what you think please.

Congratulations to @bdresher @suicidalpyro for winning last chapters guess the song. @bdresher guessed correctly first by nine minutes. I just didn't want to skimp on someone by less then ten minutes. Anyway here is this chapter song Bueno suerte!!!!

Death surrounds
My heartbeat's slowing down
I won't take this world's abuse
I won't give up, I refuse!

This is how it feels when you're bent and broken
This is how it feels when your dignity's stolen
When everything you love is leaving
You hold on to what you believe in

The last thing I heard was you whispering goodbye
And then I heard you flat line

No, not gonna die tonight
We're gonna stand and fight forever
(Don't close your eyes)
No, not gonna die tonight
We're gonna fight for us together
No, we're not gonna die tonight

Break their hold
'Cause I won't be controlled
They can't keep their chains on me
When the truth has set me free

This is how it feels when you take your life back
This is how it feels when you finally fight back
When life pushes me I push harder
What doesn't kill me makes me stronger

The last thing I heard was you whispering goodbye
And then I heard you flat line

There ya go. Oh and another reason I'm updating now is because I am at a hotel because I am at regionals for golf so this is kind of a me celebrating. Also this is written on my iPod I don't have a computer to edit it so please excuse any errors.


Till all are one


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