Attacking the enemy.

Start from the beginning

The kids came out of the building and stopped when they saw all the fire and carnage. Guardian ushered them out of the door and they went through the maze of destroyed buildings. They rounded a corner and came face to face with Omicron. Guardian saw her eyes widen at the sight of the kids and jerked her head up to Guardian for an explanation. "I'll tell you later" he told her, "help me get them to safety." And so Guardian and Omicron ran through the camp with the kids, Guardian at the front and Omicron at the back. Guardian could see the jet that had flown him here, it was about a hundred meters away. The kids obviously saw it as well because they picked up the pace. They were 75 meters away when a horde of monsters appeared in front of them.

The horde of monsters had formed up and were ready to make a full scale counter-attack. They saw Guardian and ran at him. Guardian could have used the water in their bodies to crush them but he wanted to have a little fun. He ran forward to meet them and as the group of roughly 75 soldiers and Guardian met, all hell broke loose. Guardian dodged and weaved, hacking and slashing and stabbing his way through them all. It wasn't until half way through the fight that Guardian realised he was in his tornado form. He ripped through the enemy and finished up in front of the jet. The kids all ran to him and stared at him before climbing onto the ship. "That was incredible, how do you do that?" She asked.
"To be honest, I don't actually know" Guardian said to her.

Beta, Zeta, Mu, Epsilon, Lambda and Omega. Came walking out of the camp and headed towards the jet. The camp exploded behind them and they just kept walking like nothing happened. "I bet you Lambda set the explosives, he likes to show off" Omicron said with a smirk.

Once the other six were on board the jet they immediately stopped because they saw the kids. Beta turned to Omicron and opened his mouth to ask her a question when she cut him off. "Ask Guardian not me" she said. And so Beta turned to Guardian, "why are there kids here? and where did they come from?" He asked.
"I found them in the tallest building, don't know why they were there but I do know that they are all demigods." He replied. Beta's face turned pale.
"We've seen this before, on other worlds, they forces of Order will... Experiment, on the native inhabitants to see if their weapons will work on them and what the bast ways to kill them are. this group obviously haven't been harmed but it was only a matter of time, it's great that we got here when we did. Otherwise I don't want to think what would have happened." It seemed that Beta's thoughts wandered because he fell silent and looked at the side of the plane. He quickly snapped out of it "Good work Guardian" he said abruptly as he gave Guardian a pat on the shoulder and walked off towards the front of the jet. Guardian shrugged and sat down in his chair at the back of the jet.

They arrived back at the camp and the kids were all asleep it wasn't a problem however because all the knights were incredibly strong and carried the kids towards cabins, Guardian sorted them and in the end there was nothing special. The knights thanked him and walked back into their cabin. Guardian approached Artemis's cabin and peaked inside. All the hunters were asleep but Artemis herself was nowhere to be seen. Guardian heard the sound of light footsteps behind him and spun around with his sword coming down in a deadly arc when he saw that it was only Artemis. He stopped his swing immediately and the sword quivered where it stopped. His sword was about to bite into her neck, the edge was only an inch away from her neck.

He immediately retracted his sword. "My apologies, lady Artemis" he said.
"Percy I-"
"It's Perseus." Percy said cutting her off.
"Perseus, I want to apologise for how badly my hunters have been treating you. Thalia is distraught and I just want you to see her. I know our part in your death is undeniable and I'm sorry but please, please, speak to Thalia. After your death we all grieved but Thalia grieved the most. She lost her cousin and her friend that day. You were like her brother and knowing that she helped kill you tore her apart. You don't have to forgive anyone, but at least talk to her." Artemis didn't wait for an answer, in stead she just walked into her cabin and Guardian lost sight of her.

Guardian pondered this before jumping on top of the cabin. He landed quietly so as not to wake the hunters. He settled down and got into a comfortable position, he pulled his cloak around himself and loosened his sword in its scabbard. He may not need to sleep or eat, but he still felt pain and cold. He looked out on camp half blood. It was dark but torches stood  and illuminated the cabins, the big house and the arena. The rest of the camp was silent and dark. Anyone else would have been spooked by the eyrie silence but nothing scared Guardian anymore. He had been through Tartarus and seen horrors that would stay with him for ever. He had gone through Tartarus with Annabeth and he remembered the state of absolute terror she had been in. He looked forward to the day that she felt that terror again. Guardian smiled as he looked out upon the camp. It was not the nice smile of Percy Jackson. It was the twisted smile of a madman. A madman named Perseus Jackson.

Hey everyone.
Once again can you please inform me if there are any mistakes in this chapter and will fix them.
Thank you.

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