Attacking the enemy.

Start from the beginning

Guardian landed to a sight of burning buildings and blood. He stopped for a second and breathed in the blood and smoke. "Ah, I love the smell of war in the morning."  He said to himself. And then got straight into fighting.

His first fight was against 5 of the soldiers. They were wearing armour and helmets so guardian couldn't actually see what they looked like. They attacked and he took out his twin swords. He parried every blow and halfway through the fight he disarmed one of them and sent the sword of the soldier he had just disarmed flying into the chest of another. The now weaponless soldier looked at his bare hands and turned around to find another sword. Now guardian was fighting three of the enemies and he threw one of his swords high up into the air, grabbed the arm of one of the soldiers,  flung the soldier into another one of the soldiers, nocking them both over, caught his other sword and cut off the sword arm of the only soldier still fighting. The soldier shrieked but was soon silenced as Guardian's sword stabbed him in the throat.

Guardian walked over to the pair of soldiers he had nocked down ready to end them when he saw their faces. Their helmets had fallen off and Guardian could see the hideous monstrosity that had hidden behind them. Their mouths looked like the mouth of the predator and their eyes looked like that of a spider. They regained consciousness and lunged at him but Guardian killed them before they could get close.

He ran off and as he turned a corner he saw Mu about to get buried by enemy soldiers. They were clambering all over her and  she was finding it incredibly hard to fend them all off. Guardian ran over to her and tackled five of the soldiers. He quickly cut their heads off before turning around and thrusting upwards with his sword. Sure enough, an enemy had been about to stab him from behind. Mu was now free and causing havoc again so Guardian ran through the camp towards the biggest building he could see. It was as he was running there that he ran into 25 of these soldiers. They ran at him and he unstrapped the twin swords on his back and walked towards them. They first two swung their swords at him and he parried both before kicking them back and stabbing them in the chest as they fell.  The next five attacked him as a group. They swung there swords at different times though which gave guardian a chance to parry all their slashes. They came back for another slash and he cut the ankles of two of them clean off. He now faced three enemies but the other soldiers started piling onto him. He quickly stood up and as they piled unto him he crushed them using the moisture in their bodies.

He approached the big building and was about to send a grenade into the building but Omega came into view firing what seemed like an endless amount of bullets into a crowd of soldiers. The fell over themselves as they died and but none of them cried, not one of them made a sound as they died. Guardian entered the building with Omega and found something he had not expected. Kids. He looked at them for a second before realising that they were all demigods. They were locked in a cage and were huddled in a corner of the cage in fear. Guardian approached them and as he got closer he learned more things about them from their aura. They were all scared, they were all confused and they were all angry. They could all speak English so Guardian spoke "Hello there don't be afraid. I'm... I'm here to help"  they all stopped cowering and approached him. "Are you going to get us out of here?" One of them asked.
"Yes I am, just stand back for a second." He told them. They all shuffled back about a metre and Guardian broke the lock on the cage. They all ran out of the cage and guardian had to fire one of his guns to get them to be quiet.  "You all need to listen to me" he said to them and they stopped to look at him most of them were startled by the gun. "I'm going to get you out of here but you have to, follow me and don't wander off. Alright, let's go." As they left Guardian got a sickening feeling, if Omega hadn't come into view and killed the monsters that had come from inside the building. Guardian would have thrown a grenade in. Not knowing that there were kids in there.

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