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Since there are so many questions and we can't answer them all every time, we've decided to just make this page so that people can have their answers faster.

Q: I still don't get it. What is this campaign about?

A: This campaign aims to promote unheard voices in society (voices of those who are discriminated against everyday). I help bring them to light and give them a chance to speak out in society. Some of these people include women, African Americans, the disabled, the bullied, the mentally ill, the LGBT+ community, and much more.

Q: I really want to join this campaign, but how do I do that?

A: It's really simple. You can either place the hashtag #EveryVoiceMatetrs on your profile page and/or you can tag one of your books with #EveryVoiceMatters.

Q: How does my book meet your qualifications?

A: As long as it has a character who's not usually heard in society and speaks out his/her/it's beliefs, it's fine.

Q: Will you review my book?

A: No, sorry. There are too many, but I'll check them out sometime.

Q. To what extent is my book allowed to cross?

A: I will not accept any books that contain rape, murder, or something that makes fun of others. Even books who speak badly about others as a joke is NOT fine.

Q: How long does it take for you to place my book in your reading list?

A: It takes me some time because I have school and a life, but I'll get you in no time. Just be patient. :D

Q: How many books can we tag?

A: As many as you want! I will accept/vote on them all!

Q: Will you vote on my story like you do in #JustBeYourself?

a: Sorry, but I'm not planning to do that in this campaign.

Q: My story is about myself. Is that also ok?

A: Sure thing, chap!

If you have any more questions, please ask them below in the comment section and I'll add them to the this page so that they can help future supporters. :D

Admin Lauren

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2016 ⏰

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