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"I know about Camelot, Merlin, now tell me what's going on."

When the warlock heard those words, he almost thought that he hadn't really woken up that morning, that it was all just a weird, weird dream and that he'd wake up any second in his own bed, at home, with the light shining through the too-thin curtains and his too-loud alarm on his phone ringing beside his ear.

Well if I was asleep, that would sure explain why I almost walked out of the door without pants this morning.

He adjusted the thin gray scarf around his neck, unfortunately knowing that the moment was very, very real, and looked up at the man in front of him. Lance's eyes were serious, borderline grave, with a touch of worry breaking through the liquid conviction. His jaw was set and he both figuratively and physically stood his ground, his back straight, and his hands at his side. In Camelot, he always had the essence of nobility pouring from every fiber of his being, and Merlin now saw that though times may change, people rarely do. His resolve was radiating from him, bleeding in from one century to the next.

Merlin saw the spirit of the knight that he had once befriended when he looked at Lance, and that made him proud. But he couldn't contemplate on that for long, seeing as the very real person in front of him was unmoving in his request for answers.

So Merlin did what he had so much practice doing in the old days – he played dumb.

"What? What are you talking about? I think you have the wrong – "

"I don't, Merlin. I know it's you."

"I'm sorry, I don't have the slighted clue what you're talking about; I have to get to class." Merlin tried to push past the knight, of course with no avail, Lance blocking his path easily.

"Merlin, everyone else in Camelot bought your simple servant act, but you know I never did, and that's not going to change just because we're a few thousand years into the future."

Merlin's eyes grew wide at that sentence, his pulse starting to grow quicker. He swallowed, hoping that Lance wouldn't notice, though it was obvious that he did.

"How – ?"

"It's an extremely long story, but I know about magic, and I know about Camelot, and I want to know what's going on and why you're here. And more importantly, what's happening to my friend, Arthur."

Merlin thought for a moment, his mind in a whirl, his brain racking against his skull. Finding someone from Camelot was always a surprise, that wasn't anything obscure or unusual. The probability was slim, though it was obviously still there. But meeting three in the same small town? Highly unlikely. And having someone remember Camelot without touching him? Unheard of, impossible.

Yet Lance was right there, in front of him, talking about Camelot like it was as natural as talking about the weather. The warlock didn't understand a thing, not one. Lance was the one asking him questions right now, but Merlin had quite a few of his own as well. He took a deep breath before making a quick decision.

"We need to talk, but not here. I need to find Morgana – "


Merlin sighed, out of frustration that he had to include Morgana in the first place or because he didn't feel like explaining anything piece by piece just yet, he wasn't quite sure of though. "I know, that's also a long story, just like yours. I'll explain later. Now, as I was saying, I need to find Morgana and Ryan," Lance's eyes widened, "And, damn it, Gwen's in class already. I'll text her to see if she can get out."

"Where are we going?"

"To discuss this all together at my house. Gaius should still be there, he doesn't have to teach a class today."

Sempiternal [Merthur]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora