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No. No, no, no, no, no.

Merlin felt a sudden force pushing him forward, Morgana right in his path. The latter shrieked while the former cursed. Merlin felt his mind whirl before he was able to comprehend what was happening, and when he did, his blood froze in a panic. But before he could whisper any spell to stop himself, the damage had already been done. He felt delicate limbs (shoulders, to be precise) under his fingertips, and his lower neck was brushed with soft ebony. But just a brush of the skin was all it took.

The visions started.

Camelot flashed before his eyes once more, the vibrant Pendragon red billowing through the wind, the throne room, Morgana's chambers. It went by in a split second. But then, he saw things that he knew weren't memories involving him. He saw a small house, if you could call it that, hidden in the forest, dank and dreary, with light barely entering through the dirty excuses for windows; he saw dark, cold stones of a castle that wasn't the one he had grown to love, but one that was hidden under blankets of snow and ice. And last, he saw a dismal, cramped prison, really just a well, and a small, white dragon only a few feet away.

His heart began to ache when the visions finally stopped.

He was welcomed back to reality by a nervous Gwen pulling on his arm to help him up and a concerned Ryan who wouldn't stop asking if he was ok. He shook his head, mumbling an 'I'm fine' before eyeing Morgana curiously. She looked stunned, frozen like a deer in headlights. It made him wonder for a moment if Morgana not only saw the visions, but felt them as well right then. She then unfroze, but her gaze went directly to Merlin, just in time for him to see her eyes flash gold.

His own pupils went wide and he turned to Gwen, murder written in his gaze.

"Gwen, bathroom. Now."

The two then marched over to the men's room, leaving the two other girls, once again, confused and anxious. Merlin went in first, making sure it was vacant, before pulling Gwen inside.

"What in the hell was that?" he screamed once the door was closed.

"Now Merlin, if you'll just listen to me-"

"Do you know what you've just done? Do you have any idea of what's just been set in motion?"

His eyes were glowing brighter by the second, his hands flying around his person. He learned against the sinks, closing his eyes and rubbing his temple with his right hand. He winced for a moment before speaking again.

"How in God's name are we going to fix this now?"

"Look, I'm sorry, Merlin, but it had to be done."

"Are you insane? 'It had to be done?' Gwen, if you've forgotten it's my destiny to protect Arthur and you've just given his biggest threat all her memories back! Do you know how much harder my job is now?"

"Excuse me if I couldn't sit back and watch the same thing that happened to the blonde woman happen to her!"

Merlin's eyes flashed again, and within seconds he was in front of Gwen. "We do not talk about her, Guinevere."

"Yes, of course, because that's the one time that the great Emrys screwed up now, isn't it? The one time you made a mistake. And now that poor woman's-"


The word echoed in the tile room, the two staring defiantly at each other. And if they weren't absorbed in their little bubble, they would have heard the footsteps coming down the hall, or the door to the men's room opening. Ryan poked her head in, wanting to ask if everything was alright, when Gwen spoke again.

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