"Will!" she screamed and ran to the boy. Will turned around in shock and his chocolate eyes lit up.

"Hela! Where have you been?" He ran up and threw his arms around her. Hela only smiled and hugged her friend tightly. She hadn't seen him in weeks.

When they pulled away, Hela frowned. What could she possibly tell William? She took a deep breath. "I've been travelling with my family recently, I don't know when I will be back," she admitted. It wasn't completely a lie. She had been travelling and it had been with family.

"Oh, I get it," Will replied. He brushed his fiery red hair from his face. "In which case, I am giving you my number and you are going to call me," he said matter-of-factly. Hela laughed and nodded her head.

"Okay, okay," she said, "But can we hurry? I only have an hour!"

Will's eyes widened to saucer size and he grabbed her hand. "Then come on! Let's go slide!"

 Hela grinned as the boy dragged her toward the slides.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Don't forget to call me, Hela!"

Hela laughed and nodded her head. "I won't, I won't. Bye, Will!" She waved as she watched the tuft of red hair poke out of the car and wave at her. He shot her his toothy smile and waved excitedly as the car drove off.

After it was out of sight, Hela looked down at the number in her hand. She would call William tonight and the two might talk for hours. She looked around and her eyes landed on Loki who was sitting on a bench. She smiled and ran toward him.

Loki spotted her and a smile broke out on his face as well as he reached forward and picked her up. He pulled her into his lap and Hela got a flashback of  when she was refusing to eat. She smiled slightly and looked up at him.

"Having a good time?" he asked. She grinned and nodded her head.

"Uh huh, I saw a friend from school and he told me to call him and we played on the slides, and the monkey bars, and the swings, and we played Cops and Robbers, and Pirates, and had a lot of fun."

Loki was shaking from laughter at her words, but Hela wasn't sure why. After that though, she was a bit out of breath.

Hela realized she was giggling too and her grin widened. Loki chuckled and shook his head slightly.

There was a split moment of depression.

It was followed by a feeling of dread so great that Hela stopped laughing, her smile slowly fading. She looked around the park and her eyes landed on an old man. That was who she felt she needed to go to.

Hela felt herself shaking. It was the same feeling she'd gotten when she saw Daniel. Right before he died.

She bit her lip. The feeling was getting greater. She needed to be over there. She needed to get to the old man before it was too late.

But that would mean the man would die. After she was done, the man would die. He looked like a nice old man, he didn't deserve to die!

The man was wearing a plaid trench coat. He wore thick glasses that made his eyes seem larger than they were and wore a small cap on his head. From what little hair she could see, Hela could tell it was white.

He looked harmless.

Not like a man who deserved to die.

Hela felt herself slide off her father's lap and she looked up at him. "I'm going to go play for a few more minutes," she said.

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