Before: Good Girls Reserve Pain

Start from the beginning

"I left. I walked away. I didn't say anything else other than 'its over'. But he didn't like it. He shoved–"

He throat swelled and she couldn't say anything else. Instead, she revealed her shoulder, arm, and the upper side of her hips. Huge purple, blue and green marks drew maps of pain on her skin.

Anger, so much anger erupted through him that he saw red, blood painted red in front of his eyes that he made sure Nico was going to be stained with.

"Shit." He whispered, pulling her towards him and hugging her close. Disgust for the motherfucker binged him as he felt her silent cries against his body.

"I hate that I love him and I don't understand it Audrey."

"You don't fucking love him, you love yourself when your around him. Because he makes you the opposite of you. And I fucking hate that."

She pushed him away. "Please. Don't touch him."

"'the hell I will. I'm going to fuckin–"

"Audrey. Don't make me regret telling you this." She held his face in her hands, silencing him. "Please. He's the love of my life."

It was words like this that shut him up.

Words like this that slapped reality right across his face.

Words like this that shred him to pieces.

She was already making a whole future with Nico, choosing colleges and apartments together. Her future, in her eyes, was Nico and everything that comes with him.

But to Audrick, his entire future was right there, teary eyed and dead. Without a single clue how used she was. Like a shredded tissue that's been smeared with sweat and blood, ready to be thrown away any second.

She didn't see that. She thinks she can be a multilayered tissue, deciding she can last longer as long as he's willing to use her.

Her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID. Nico's name with a heart emoji, with a picture of her kissing his cheek plastered on the screen.

He had the urge to grab the phone, and smash it to the hardwood floor.

"Hello?" She answered, too fast.

He doesn't deserve this. You answering that quickly. He doesn't deserve you.

Her eyes wavered for a moment.

Audrick knew. It was like this every fucking time.

He was probably telling her how much he loved her. How much he cared. How sorry he was. How he'd never do it again and that it was an accident. That he was angry about something else, and since she's the love of his life, he had no one but her to let all that steam off on. Because he loved her.

Because he fucking loved her.

And in that single moment she'd forget everything he's done to her. She'd forget if he's been with ten other girls. He's willing to be with her. He initiated a call. He wanted her. Audrey knew that it was all that mattered to her. 

"Can you come right now? Can you come be with me? I really need you."

His voice, he was so upset. It was her first time hearing him in this much anguish.

Her eyes darted toward's Audrey. He stared back with a stern look.

"Yeah," She replied. "I'll be there in an hour."

"'THE HELL YOU WILL!" Audrey completely freaked out. He took the phone from her hand and put it to his ear.

"Listen motherfucker, I'm going to come myself and beat the shit out of your unfaithful ass. You ever talk to her again I'm going to fucking kill you, you hear me?"

He hung up.

All the while, Cammy was fumbling to get her phone back, telling Audrey to stop. When she finally got ahold of it, she looked angrily at him and gritted her teeth. "I HATE YOU!" She exclaimed, turned around, and stormed out of the room.

That was the last time he saw her.

He left the house. And then spent the night out. 

For two reasons.

One, he couldn't bear seeing her fall to pieces and change for someone that didn't deserve her.

Two, after what he did to Nico, he knew she was going to stop speaking to him for awhile and he'd only see her anger-filled face on endless repeat. 

Who do you think should play as Camila and Audrey?

Questions asked, answered:

Was the sniper in this chapter (Before: Jayden's Look-alike) aiming at Cade? You probably know this now, but yes it was. Usually, I won't answer questions like these. Most of the time they answer themselves chapters later (If not, rereading previous chapters help). 

How old is everyone? We know Cade is 21 and Cassy is 30, but how about everyone else? Also, what happened after the door closed on 'Her' and Harley seen her? I can answer the first question, but the second you will have to wait for in later chapters. Cade is 21. Cassy is 30. 'Her' is 17, turning 18. Corrina is 17. Aden is 17 turning 18. Jayden is 19. Harley is 18. Camila is 16, turning 17. Audrey is 18. And Nico is 18. I think... I got everyone...?

Where can I send you covers if I made some for this book? Preferably at my gmail. I appreciate all your covers. And get super fucking excited every time you guys send me some. 

When will we finally know "Her's" name? I am dying with curiosity. Will her name be revealed after the collapse or before? All I can really say is going back to this question in the future, you will see why I didn't answer it. ._. That probably confused you even more. -_-

This is before anyone met? Yes. As the chapters progress you will see what happens. Just know that the moment you read in the title "The Collapse:" Automatically figure out that shit just happened. By then, scenes will explain themselves and you will easily tell that a collapse did happen, and they are all together under broken walls. 

There were other questions but I'm not going to answer them because, honestly I can't. They all ask for clarification about past events. You will just have to wait and see what really happened. I hope you guys remember just how confused and completely and utterly clueless you are now of these story points. This is how it was like with me uploading F.A.I.T.H., no one knew what the hell was going on or what was going to happen next. BUT, watch the moment KBA is entirely uploaded, you'll get all those smartasses trying to put the 'I think' before a spoiler as if they magically know the sequence of this story.

Gorgeous, beautiful cover by *you already know it* Me_For_President_

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