"So whatever fairytale, fantasy land you created of us in your head, get over it quickly. It's never going to happen, we're never going to happen."


"Did you really think that I could ever love someone like you? Weak, pathetic, naive, spineless. I could go on for ages but this is getting boring."


"It's funny, I made a bet with Alejandro and he actually thought I wouldn't be able to get you into bed what a fool he is, he owes me big time,".


"You were a great fuck though but I mean come on seriously did you really think someone like me would actual fall for a wreck like you?" That was it.

I can't hear this anymore.

"Good luck with the wedding and tell Alejandro I'm sorry I lost him the bet," I grab my jacket off the chair on my way to the door.

I pause at the door waiting for him to tell me it's all I'm being pranked, that I'm being fooled.

When no words leave his mouth, I unlock the door and shut it gently behind me. It's odd, I should be crying but I can't. The tears are there but they won't fall.

I watch as all of Valentino's men and house staff stop what they're doing and stop to stare at me as I walk down the stairs, pity filling their faces.

When I get to the bottom of the stairs they all crowd around me, almost cautious of what I might do. Suddenly I'm engulfed by many arms in a tight embrace. Yet I still feel nothing.

"We're sorry, we had no idea! This is so un-".

"What's going on here," they all sudden look up to see Valentino standing at the top of the staircase. I didn't look at first but when I do I regret it.

He looks pissed off, disgusted,

"It's okay, I'm okay, thank you all for your kindness. You are all very kind people but I must be on my way, it was lovely meeting you all," they all take steps back whilst continuing to apologise.

I thank them again letting them know it wasn't their fault as I open the front door to leave and never return.

It was over before it even started.

I didn't think things could get more cliché but as soon as I open the door Alejandro greets me with a smile on his face which slowly disappears when he sees the unshed tears in my eyes.

"I trusted you," I whisper harshly whilst pushing pass him. Grabbing my wrist he pulls to face him, his face is scrunched up in confusion and a hint of anger.

"What do you mean you 'trusted me' what did I do?" A humourless chuckles slips past my throat at his attempt to fool me again.

"You don't have to pretend anymore, Valentino won the bet, it's over." His eyes continue to search my face for an answer. He looks down at the ground deep in thoughts before he looks at Valentino, his eyes trailing down to his hand and something must have clicked.

Alejandro's grip on me loosens as he begins to shake his head in disbelief.

"No....no, no, no! Valentino tell me you didn't," next thing I see is Alejandro running at Valentino with inhumane speed.

It's like everything was moving in slow motion and I couldn't keep up. There was screams of horror and there was blood, so much blood. I wanted to move, to scream but I stood frozen.

My legs wobble, my heart is beating out of control and my face is wet.

"You are dead to me, you aren't my brother, you aren't shit to me!" He screams whilst his fists hammer at Valentinos body.

Valentino pauses shocked for a few seconds and Alejandro uses that as an opportunity to rock Valentino in the jaw.

His head whips to the side with so much force I hear his neck crack. Spitting blood out, Valentino smiles at Alejandro, the remaining blood coating his teeth like toothpaste.

"Get the fuck out and don't come back," A gun points at Alejandro's forehead and I watch as his eyes flicker shut for a second.

A cold sweat trails down my spine as I look between Valentino and Alejandro. My breaths become shorter and shorter but come out quicker and heavier.

"Shoot me, do it," I watch as Alejandro stares Valentino down, not a trace of fear in his eyes.

"Pull the trigger, kill me,".

"Don't make me do this Alejandro, are you really going to let some slut come between us?".

"Don't talk about him like that!".

"Come on pull the trigger, pussy, pussy, pussy,"

"I'm not a fucking bitch, stop testing my patience!"

"Pull the fucking trigger!"

"I don't want to do this Alejandro but you need to learn your fucking place!"

"P to the U to the S, S, Y, sing it with me now,"

"Shut the fuck up,"

"Fuck you, Valentino you're nothing but the dirt beneath my shoes. You will never be a man worthy of looking up to you're scum, you are trash and I hate y-".

All I hear is a gunshot before I fall into darkness.


hey guys sorry the update is late and it's kinda crap and rushed but with first exam coming up in under a month now I'm running out of wattpad time! thank you for all the birthday wishes! feels great being 18! hope you're all well and life is treating you good. lots of love!

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