Chapter 1

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this chapter will introduce Amy's Friends and Family and will start the story xx

I woke up with hair in my face, dribble down my cheek and I'm laying on the other end of the bed. I am a awful sleeper, like the ones that move all night. I swing my legs over the other side the of the bed. I got up and looked in the mirror.

I thought to my self, wow you look so beautiful in the mornings. I grabbed my clothes off the floor and headed into the bathroom and got dressed in my miss me jeans, Aqua shirt and black hat. I run back into my bedroom and grab my belt off my chest of drawers.

I was running down the stairs like a lunatic and I walk into the kitchen to grab some eggs and toast off the table, I sit down and eat my breakfast while and say good morning to mum. "Good morning mum, where is dad and Cody" I ask as I take a bite out off by toast . "Our side" mum replies.

I finish eating my breakfast and head for the door. As I run out the door my mum yells to me " don't forget to feed the dogs before you leave, and I want a good bye from my baby girl before you leave". I just huff and walk out side to start to load up my truck and trailer I got for my birthday. I have just turned 24 and I'm heading to go to rodeos with all my mates. .

As I walked out I see dad and Cody ( My 14 year old brother) cutting some wood for the bonfire for my his birthday so I wave and yell to Cody " happy birthday baby bro". I then head over to him and give him a hug. "I'm gonna miss you sis" he says as he hugs me back. "Not as much as I'm gonna miss you" I say as I kiss his cheek.

Cody and I have a loving brotherly and sisterly relationship. He is like my best friend and we do everything together. I'm so sad I miss his birthday but I gave him his present yesterday. I got him a new bike helmet that he wanted one day when he came shopping with me. His face was priceless when I handed him the box. He opened the present and put it straight on. He runs to his bike and takes off up the paddock. My family and me just laugh as we watch him speed up the hill.

After I hug Cody, I head to the barn and decide i was going to get my tack ready to go and clean the stalls. I decided to turn some music on and while I work, my best friends I,  favourite song came on, Summers little angels, by Steve Forde. AlI could think about was them. I'm singing in the barn and dancing around with the rake in my hand. The horses just look at me while I crazily dance away while cleaning the stalls.

My best friends are Nyoaki, Jorja and Bethany. Nyoaki is a tall girl with long brown hair and blue eyes. In her eyes are green flecks that sparkle. She wears her miss me jeans all the time, never taking them off, with a blue shirt and her white hat. Jorja is a tall girl with short blond hair with green eyes, she wears her wrangler jeans, with a pink shirt and her brown hat. Then there is Bethany. She is a tall girl with medium length hair and brown eyes, she always wears her wrangler jeans and a blue and pink shirt with her black hat. All three of them have a boyfriend and I'm the only single one in the group. Jorja is with Gage Nathens a tall man with short rusty blonde hair, Bethany is with Tuf Jones he is a tall brown head guy and Nyoaki is with Lj Cooper a tall muscular man. All their boyfriends are bull riders, Bethany and myself are Barrel racers and Nyoaki and Jorja are Ropers.

I have never had a proper boyfriends since 5 years ago when I was in year 12. His name was Liam James. We had been together for about 3 years and I thought her really loved me, until one day I walked into the school cafeteria waiting for him to come and sit with me and our friends when I seen him kissing Ashley Kell up against the wall on the other side of the cafeteria. She was the sluttiest girl that was at school. I felt like my stomach had just got tired in nots. I was shattered and I feel to the ground. The girls came and got me. I broke up with him when I seen him next when I felt like I could talk to him and he tried to get me to forgive him by saying he was so sorry and he didn't know what came over him, but I didn't, how could I when he just broke my heart. I thought he loved me.

My friends were really caring and they all new what would make me better, go to a rodeo and chocolate. We went to a rodeo and a new bull rider was riding. His name was Derek Collins and he won that day. I really liked him, but never actually met him. One day I might.

He is now a very well know bull rider and gets all the attention.

Anyway, I haven't had a boyfriend since.

But I do have a massive crush on Derek Collins, I have for years.


I was filling up the horses water in the barn and dancing to the music when my phone rang and it was Jorja, she asked if she could have a ride to the rodeo with me. I said yes, and for her to be at my ranch by 11. I was leaving at 12 but knowing Jorja she is always late. We hung up and I continued with chores. I was cleaning all the tack to take when I saw a poster in the tack room of Derek Collins, My crush! I was staring at the poster thinking how cute he was when I remembered, I needed to do the dogs! I quickly feed and watered the dogs, gave them a pat and checked Lucky and her puppies. They are so cute. I ran out of the barn to the trailer to put all my tack and hay in for Tucker.

Tucker is my horse.

I connected the trailer to my new truck while listing to music I had put on , on the stereo and went and grabbed tucker from his stall. I put his halter on and loaded him inside. I checked inside were ill be staying and heckled if all my things were inside the trailer. I went inside and grabbed my bags and said goodbye to Mum, Dad and Cody. " bye guys I'll see you guys in 2 months". They all hugged me and stood at the door as I ran out side and hopped into the truck waiting for Jorja.

Jorja just showed up before I was about to leave. God she is always late. She hurried into the truck after she had loaded her horse Jipsy into the trailer with Tucker and put her bags in the trailer.. As we were driving down the driveway I looked in the review mirror and seen all my family waving. I honked the horn and stuck my hand out the window waving. I'm goona miss them. I was sad to leave but happy to rodeo.

It takes 3 hours to get to the rodeo so Jorja decided to bring her dvd player and watch some movies while I drive, which sucks because I'm stuck driving. We had to stop at the service station to get fuel and food for the weekend the other supplies. As we arrived I looked over at Jorja and she was fast asleep, what a sleepy head. We had only been driving for 10 minutes and she was already asleep. This is going to be one long car trip.

We are about 30 minutes away from the grounds when I get a text message. I ask Jorja to look at it and it is Bethany. " hey Amy, Nyoaki and I will meet you there at the tent and we can all collect our numbers xxx". I just smile and ask Jorja to just reply with "that's awesome see you soon".

We finally arrived at the rodeo and found a place to park and set up the trailer for the 3 nights we would be staying. We unloaded the horses, set the yards up and gave them food and water I brushed them down and give them a pat. We then made the beds inside the trailer and set our stuff inside. I sat down on the bed and we talked about what our timetable is these next few months. It's a packed first month and then the second month we just have to wait and see. As we finish talking we decided to go to the tent where you collect your back numbers. I call nyoaki and tell he we were on our way and we head out to the tent.

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