Chapter 5 - Aphmau

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"What was that all about?" I repeated.

"Just Zenix reminding me to tell you to be careful," Garroth answered, although I was a bit confused.

"Careful about what?" I questioned, slightly tilting my head to the side like a dog does when it's confused. What exactly was I supposed to be careful about?

"Helping the village out would lead villagers to think that you are the new lord, and recently lords have been disappearing than showing days, weeks even, later. Sadly, they usually come back dead," Garroth explained. So lords have been going missing, I wonder why? Maybe because they don't want to join the O'khasis Alliance.

"Well, I should probably get going," I slightly laughed for what reason, I don't honestly know. I just felt like laughing, everyone needs a good laugh every once in awhile. Even if it doesn't really make sense why they laughed.

"Even with that warning you're still going to do it, aren't you?" Garroth asked, making me stop right beside him and the door.

Sighing I answered. "Yeah, but how did you know?"

"You don't seem like the person to give up doing something that they'd think would help," Garroth said, his voice almost sounded happy. I wonder if he's smiling under that helmet of his.

Without another word I left. I can't decide what to fix first, the path or some houses. Maybe I should work on the path seeing as it's already rotting. I wouldn't want it to rot anymore and make the villagers sick. First of all, I should get rid of it since if it happens to rain or something it doesn't rot more. That wouldn't be at all good.


It was dark by the time I finished clearing up all the rotting wood. I have to admit, it was gross. Now all I have to do is make a new one. Sighing I got to work, this was probably going to take all night too.

I had gotten about less than a quarter done by the time the moon was in the middle of the sky. Yawning I sat for a moment, I had been at this since I practically woke up. I'm surprised I haven't seen Garroth or any guard for that matter. Well they're probably on patrol. Sighing I got up to continue.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?" Someone asked, making me turn around. There stood a guard, a blonde, blue eyed guard.

I tilted my head like a confused puppy. "Who are you?" I questioned. I hadn't seen him around anywhere, maybe he's new.

The guard looked at me confused for second until his hair flew in front of his eyes from the wind. Shaking his head he spoke. "Sorry, I'm just some guard."

"Do you have a name rather than Just Some Guard?" I asked, curious to who he was since I haven't seen him around the village before. Actually I haven't seen him before, maybe he was getting supplies or something.

He stayed quiet for moment, does he really need to think about his own name? "I'm G." He answered, quietly muttering something afterward.

"Just G?" I questioned. It was just one letter, there has to be something more to it. Or it's a nickname.

"Yep," G answered. Huh, what an unusual name. "You should probably head home, you've been out here since before my shift started."

I yawned. "How would you know that? Were you stalking me or something?"

"N-no! Nothing like that!" G yelled, making me laugh a bit. "I just saw you tearing up the old path. That's all."

I nodded. "Sure." I said. "Now I should really get back to fixing this path."

"You need sleep," G placed his hand on my shoulder. Stopping me from moving towards where I had stopped building the pathway. "I'm sure Garroth wouldn't mind you staying another night."

"Fine," I mumbled loudly. G removed his hand from my shoulder and I walked towards Helmet Head's. Hopefully G was right and he let's me stay another night, or maybe at least till I get my own place. I guess I'll have to finish the path tomorrow though.

Hope you guys enjoyed! Right now it's unedited.

Anyways bye!

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