TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

I nodded quickly and silently cursed under my breath as the sound of my dad's voice touched my ears, "Corey, you out here?!" My dad called out, most likely form just outside the door way.

Sighing softly, I put my finger to my lips in my attempt to tell Seth to be quiet, and carefully pushed him deeper into the cover of the trees, "Shouldn't you ask what he wants?" Seth asked me in a hushed tone, obviously confused with my choice to run over seeing what my dad wanted, but I just sent him a smile and continued pushing tree branches out of my pathway. 

I could now only hope Della would be able to distract my dad until I got back, or possibly even come up with an excuse on where I disappeared to.

Once I believed we were far enough away from my house, I slowed to a walk, and eventually came to a standstill. 

"Are you going to explain to me why you choose to run from your father rather than see what he wanted?" Seth's voice sent chills down my body as his warm breath fell on the back of my neck. 

Turning around quickly, I looked up at Seth, and before I knew what I was doing, I was softly running my finger tips along his jaw, "Must you know?" I mumbled. 

Seeing Seth's jaw visually clench tighter as I ran my fingers down his neck and to the collar of his shirt at where I curled my fingers around tightly, I couldn't help but smile. "I just want to know what I'm getting myself into..." Seth managed to respond a moment later.

"Getting yourself into?" I spoke confused, a single eyebrow raised in confusion.

Watching Seth smile at my confusion, I stuck my tongue out at him in a childish manner, and before I knew it, I was smiling myself...I swear his smiles are contagious. "Yes, because I don't want a girlfriend who is constantly finding herself in trouble." Seth spoke confidently.

Feeling my breath catch in the back of my throat, I unconsciously let my fingers fall from his collar, and found myself stepping away from him. 

Noticing Seth's face change dramatically, I watched as he stared at me with concern as tears began welling up in my eyes. 

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled softly, putting my hand to my mouth, begging myself to gain control once again, but the simple thought of Seth being Wolfy was overwhelming my mind completely at the mere thought of being in a relationship with Seth. 

I knew the idea was going to eat me alive if I couldn't discover if there was any truth behind it, but yet the fear of it only being a ridiculous idea was there floating among it. Standing there, I couldn't stop thinking about what would happen if I asked Seth about it and it was indeed just a thought my mind managed to create,I was certain  it would almost positively turn me into a crazy girl in his eyes.

Feeling a tear slide down my cheek, I reached up to wipe it away, but Seth's hand beat me to it. Gazing at him for a moment, I heard the words leave my lips before I could stop them, "My mom was murdered by a wolf..." I blurted, sobs escaping my lips as a waterfall of tears decided to escape my eyes.

Surprisingly, Seth pulled my into his arms tightly,  and hugged me to his chest as he mumbled soothing words.

 After quite some time, Seth pulled back from me slightly, and drew his hands along both of my cheeks, drying my face of all my tears, and then proceeded to just stare at me. Only a few moments after his intense gaze locked with mine, I felt a smile playing at the edge of my lips. Once a slight smile was spread across my lips, I watched a full blown smile envelope Seth's face. 

"I didn't know the idea of dating me brought bad memories..." Seth mumbled a moment later.

Instantly feeling bad for how I reacted not much earlier, I drew one of my hands under my eyes before I took a deep breath, "It's not..." I began but stopped short and looked up into Seth's blue eyes. 

Staring at his waiting expression, I quickly stood up on my toes and pressed my lips to his. 

Feeling his warm lips hesitantly move with mine, I couldn't help but smile against his lips, which had Seth pulling away slightly from me,  "It's not what?" Seth pushed, obviously not fazed by my kiss in the slightest. Sighing, I bit onto my bottom lip, and quickly averted my gaze from Seth's. "Corey..." Seth's voice mumbled softly.

"God, you are going to think I'm completely insane if I tell you..." I sighed, closing my eyes for a moment before reopening them and meeting Seth's curious gaze.

"Try me..." Seth spoke confidently.

Letting out a deep breath, I mentally wanted to slap myself for what I was about to do, "I'm going to sound completely crazy saying this..." I began, "It's just I've been thinking a lot lately, and this image I found  on line when I was searching information on soul mates really brought questions in my mind, and I don't know if you remember, but when we first met, you were..." I paused.

"Naked," Seth filled in the blank for me, wiggling his eye brows.

Feeling a blush rise quickly to my face, I nodded slowly, and continued, "Yes, that, and well you were laying injured in the exact spot I claimed to have left my injured wolf, but before you think I'm completely crazy here, you have to know that you have the exact same color blue eyes as he does, and well to be honest I've never seen you and Wolfy around the same time..." I rambled, "And well not to mention the fact that when I tried to threaten you with Wolfy, you only laughed and said he couldn't hurt you, and I'm not sure if I'm over analyzing a males complete confidence here, or-" I stopped talking suddenly to Seth's lips coming down on mine.

After a mere second, Seth pulled his lips from mine, and he brushed my hair out of my face. "You done talking?" Seth wondered.

Nodding slowly, I stared into his eyes, and felt an overwhelming silence fill the air for a few moments, before I broke it, "Gosh, I totally understand if you think I'm completely insane or what not... I mean I don't even know what I was thinking," I began rambling again only to be cut off once again by Seth's lips.

"Corinne stop talking, I don't think you're crazy," He demanded when he pulled his lips from mine again.

Staring at him confused, I raised an eyebrow, "Wait, you don't think I'm crazy?" I spoke softly, staring at him in disbelief.

Seth laughed lightly, "I try not to think people are crazy when they actually are more right than they think they are..." He explained to me.


A Little Note From The Author:

Honestly, I'm not completely satisfied with this chapter, but I decided to post it anyways....it's not edited, so sorry!

Oh, and I know quite a bit of you would like to see part of this story in Seth's POV, but I can't give you a definite yes or no on that yet, I'm thinking about it, and considering it, but I can't make any promises. If I do decided to write some in Seth's POV, it most likely won't be a full chapter, or part of the actually book for that matter but maybe just a tidbit for all you people who want it...maybe, I haven't decided. Anyways,  let me know your opinion on the whole Seth's POV situation...or not:) haha.

As you may have noticed, I am trying to upload atleast once a week (usually on the weekends) but honestly, I really don't want to work on something that people aren't enjoying (and letting me know they enjoy it). So, if you want to see me continue to update this somewhat regularly,  really the only thing I am asking is that I see a response coming from this... so, if you want the next chapter really soon....VOTE and COMMENT on this chapter! And if you want, maybe FAN me too;)





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