"Freddy." If there is one person that I trust in this room right now, it's him. It may be fucked up. But if Freddy tells me to walk away, I will. "You've been listening to everything. What do you think?"

"Why does it matter what he thinks?" I looked to my father. Even though he is the one that asked, I can tell that the others were wondering the same thing. Ethan is the only one that seemed to be thinking that there was more than one thing going on.

"Freddy, believe it or not, is actually a genius. This whole time he has been listening to both sides, and coming up with his own answers to our questions. And before you ask, yes he knows everything." They remained quiet, but focused on Freddy. "Well Freddy?" He had his eyes closed, and his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"I listened to both sides, and will admit they both make some valid points. Carter, you messed up, yes. You should have thought about what changing your last name would do and mean. You're a smart man, but that was a dumb move. However, I really don't see how it's really that big of an issue. Mr. McClain, you are in the wrong too. Carter is your son, you should see where he was going with his decisions. The old Carter was heading in the wrong direction. This Carter is trying to fix those mistakes. Alastor. You're cool man, stay awesome." Alastor just nodded his head, but I saw the smile. "Now Ethan. That was a little messed up in your part. From what Carter told me, this isn't you. You should have known that hiring this guy would have been a stupid idea. So what if he's a good employee. Personal life and business don't mix well. If by some chance you knew Carter would come here, you should have also known the drama this would cause. Yet here he is." He was now looking directly at Adam with a blank expression. "Now you. I don't know you, but I do know that you have caused some major drama here. You knew that Ethan was a married man, yet you pursued him. All in the hopes that he may come to return your feelings. Even after you found out Carter left because of that night, you didn't back off. You should have been a man, and walked away. Ethan was never yours to start with. Each person here is at fault, and has some major thinking to do." He's right.

I looked at Ethan and my father. I know that what I did really hurt my old man, and it's still gonna take some times. I'm willing to give him some time to cool off still. I looked to Alastor, and he was giving me a reassuring smile. At least he is still trying to help me. I then looked to Ethan, who had his hands balled at his side. I let out a breath, and stood up.

"Dad, I'm sorry. I made a stupid mistake, and cost this family a lot of hardship. I know you won't forgive me right now, so I am willing to wait." He simply turned his head, but I saw the nod. "Ethan."

"Yes?" He seemed nerves, and he should be. I guess I am learning that there is whole different side to Ethan that I was not aware of. He lies, even if he sucks at it. He keeps things from me, and he holds grudges. Is my angel even an angel at all? I mean. Even the devil was once an angel too right?

"I still love you." I could see hope shining in his beautiful gray eyes. "But there is so much about you that I still don't know. I never thought I would catch you seeing another man, or lying about not seeing him anymore. I think we still need to take some time apart. So consider this as your birthday present to me." I saw the shocked looks on all their faces, and the tears in Ethan's. But just like I did that night, I turned my back and walked away.

"Dude, not gonna lie, I was not expecting that." I simply laughed when we got to the parking lot. I knew that they forgot the moment I woke up. I was already expecting them to forget it. What I wasn't expecting was for my husband, who I think is an angel, to actually lie to me about seeing the guy that he was seeing behind my back.

"It's fine, don't trip." I get in the passenger seat, and lean the seat all the way back. Freddy knows that when I deal with issues like this, I am not okay to drive. "Hey, where are we going anyway?" I saw him messing with my phone, and looking something up before he started driving.

"You can kick my ass for this later, but it has to be done." I sat up and looked at what he typed in on my phone. My eyes must have been bigger than my head at the moment. I clenched the phone so hard in my hand, I cracked the screen.

"You're right, I am definitely going to kick your ass." I tried erasing the directions, but I knew that wouldn't help once I did it. "You already freaking memorised them, didn't you?"

"Yup." I laid back down, and placed my arm over my face. I guess I have to face all of my demons. This is just the main one that I have been putting off for the longest time. "You need to finally know dude." He's right. I quickly dialed the phone, avoiding the broken pieces, and was surprised when she picked up on the second ring.

"Hello?" I forgot that I changed my number, but yet I remembered hers in case I ever got the courage to actually do this.

"Katherina, it's me." I think I'm gonna throw up.

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