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The rain trickled down the window. Pitter patter. Pitter patter. He loved watching the rain, but this particular day things would make a turn for the worse. He loves watching the rain stream down the window in clear little droplets. Seeing which one won the race against the two. He wasnt feeling good, but it just felt like a flu. It wasnt a flu but we didnt find out until it was too late.

It all started on my moms birthday. Right before we left he grabbed the side of his stomach and fell against the door. I ran to him.

"Joey are you alright?"

"No theirs a pain so bad it feels like a thousand needles."

So we didn't go to my moms birthday dinner. It kept going on and on and every week we just thought it was a flu. We brushed it off. Finally after months of him complaining about his stomach I brought him to the hospital.

"Joseph and Sawyer Hartman I have bad news what you thought was the flu is much worse. You have been internally bleeding."

"Is their anything you can do about it? He asked filled with hope which broke my heart.

"How long have you had these symptoms?"

"1 month at least."

"Joey we could try to save you but by the time we get you in their and give you blood it will be to late. Im surprised you've lived this far no one should have lived this long internally bleeding. But you have been bleeding very slowly."

Joey started crying at his statement and it broke my heart even more.

"How long does he have Doc?" I say tears starting to trickle down my cheeks.

"I cant say he shouldn't of even made it this far."

I nod and with eyes full of tears I picked up Joey and ran outside.

I put him in the grass and we looked at each other.

He grabbed my cheek and I leaned in and gave him the best kiss ever.

"Joey do you want to be buried or cremated?" I say grabbing his hand.

He chuckled and raspyly he replied with, " cremated so you can always be with me." We smiled together.

"Sawyer please promise me that you will not fall into a pit of depression I do not want to see you hurt yourself. If you do you fail me. You fail us. I love so much Sawyer hartman and I love being the other piece to your puzzle. Goodbye Sawyer."

His hand fell down to the ground as he slowly closed his eyes. I fell over onto him and cried into him for what felt like hours I wouldnt move I would just cry into Joeys chest letting the rain blanket us.Wishing he didnt have to die.

Now I was sitting on Joey's window sill with Madalyn on my lap looking at the rain race down the window just like Joey did. I tear ran down my cheek.

"Dad wheres daddy?" Madalyn asked.

"Daddy died." I say looking down as she turned around in my lap and cried into my chest.

Even for a five year old she knew what I meant she knew what had happened to daddy. He was never coming back.

We cried with each other on Joeys window sill where he loved watching the rain.

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