O n e: "You love him."

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Summary: Maya comes to the conclusion to why Riley thought of Farkle as the Prince Charming and not Lucas.

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Riley was in her bedroom on her bed writing in her lilac diary. Riley had so many thoughts and feelings that she didn't even know she could have. She couldn't just burst out and talk and talk, she had to write. Lately things have been weird. Riley always felt like her love story was between Lucas and Riley, just them. But how a certain scientist has joined the story.

She didn't know if she liked Lucas, she just knew whenever she was with Farkle everything just fell into place. The quirky brunette had been so deep in her thoughts she hadn't noticed or heard a tap on her window. "Riley!" She jumped up accidentally throwing her diary on the floor.

She looked at the window and saw her rebellious her best friend, Maya. The blonde was waiting outside and looked impatient, Riley could tell by the look on her face. She quickly walked to the window and opened it up letting Maya in before closing it again.

"Gee Riley what a great friend you are leaving your friend out in the blistering cold." Maya faced her and Riley laughed nervously. She looked at the shiny diary in the floor. She hoped she could get to it before Maya did. Boy was she wrong.

"What is up with you today?" Maya looked at her weirdly,"I swear you've been acting weird ever since Smackle became part of the High Five."

Riley knew that defiantly wasn't the reason why she was acting weird. She wished she could tell Maya about her discoveries but no words came out. Maya stared at her for a few seconds before looking around. That was when Maya saw the diary.

"Hey, is that your-"

As soon Maya went walking towards it Riley tackled her like a hungry lion. Maya fell with an oomph, this wasn't the first time Riley had pushed her on the floor. "That is your diary!"

With Maya's new discoveries she went right towards the shiny book. "No!" Riley reacted by pushing Maya down and holding her hand so she wouldn't get her book of secrets. But whatever Riley did Maya did it stronger. Maya pushed Riley off her and finally got her diary.

Riley gasped and went to tackle Maya, but Maya tackled her and sat on her belly. She started to read out loud, "Dear Diary, things have been confusing lately. And by confusing I mean really really confusing. I mean my dad as my teacher again confusing."

"Maya stop!"

Maya ignored her and continued on reading, "I have made new discoveries lately. About my feelings. I don't know how to control them and i don't know if this is a change or a mistake. It seems like Lucas isn't the Prince Charming I thought he was or was going to be."

"Maya I'm begging you!"

"But 'Farkle has a perfect jawline that I didn't even notice Minkus', has changed the story. Whenever I'm with him the stars seem brighter, the day seems more happy, and I just feel like me. I don't feel like an insecure klutz, I'm just me. Everything just seems right with him."

Maya got off Riley and Riley just laid there. Both of them were silent, too much awkwardness in the air. Maya decided to break and laid next to Riley. Meanwhile, Riley was too embarrassed. She didn't want to say anything she just hoped this would go away.

"Honey why didn't you tell me?"

Riley herself didn't know the answer to that.

"I don't know. I guess I was embarrassed, I've never felt this way before Maya. This is all new to me."

"Riley, tell, me if this statement is true or not."


"You love him."

Riley looked at Maya before looking at the ceiling. She pondered at this statement. Did she love Farkle? Did she want to date Farkle? Did she want to be loved by Farkle? Riley found out she was answering yes to all these questions.


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