"Guys!" Ashton shouted from where Michael was. He'd probably woken up while I was talking to Calum. "Can you come over and help please?"

"Yeah, one sec!" I shouted back. I turned to Calum, "You can stay here, I'll tell them you need a moment."

"No, it's fine. I'll come." He said, wiping tears off his face.

"Are you sure?"


Calum and I got up and went over to Ashton and Michael.

"What are you doing?" I said.

"Were making a kind of... thing to cook fish on." Michael said.

"That's not built right." Calum said, "You need to put a square plank over this side and add thin sticks over here..." he continued talking about how to make it. Ashton and Michael were clearly not catching up with him.

"Woah, woah," Michael interrupted, "slow down. You're clearly the building expert here, help us make it step by step. What do we need to do?"

"Well we definitely need more sticks." Calum said.

"I'll get some." I said, not wanting to help with the actual 'building' part of the process, I was just fine with collecting materials.

I turned around to get sticks, leaving Calum explaining Michael and Ashton about how to build it.

I went over near the edge of the forest part of the island - there were a lot of sticks there. I gathered as many sticks that would fit in my arms and brought them over to the boys.

"When's he gonna wake up?" Michael said, indicating towards Luke.

"He'll sleep forever if you don't wake him up." I said, "I'll wake him up now."

I went over to Luke, sat next to him on my knees and put a hand on his shoulder, shaking him gently. "Oi, sleepy head!" I said.

Luke stirred and looked at me. "Morning." He said in a deep, raspy voice.

"Morning?" I said, "Afternoon rather. You've been sleeping for ages. Get up now."

Luke rolled over to his side, facing where the boys were working.

"What're they doing?" Luke asked.

"They're building some kind of thing to cook on. We catch fish and cook it on that." I replied.

"Building?" Luke said enthusiastically.

Then I remembered how much Luke loves building. "Get up and join them." I said, encouraging him to get up somehow.

Luke sat up. "You know you should help. Building activities are actually pretty fun."

"You know I don't like them." I said.

"So you're just gonna lay down and let us boys do the work?"

"Hey, I am helping too!"

Lukes eyes widened in amazement. "Seriously? "For the first time ever?"

"Yeah," I said, "getting sticks."

Luke groaned. "I actually thought you'd done some sort of building. But okay, enjoy being lazy!"

I giggled, Luke smiled.

"I'm gonna help out." Luke said, getting up. Luke went over to the boys, while I went to collect more sticks.

After a few rounds of collecting sticks, Calum told me there was enough.

I didn't want to look unhelpful and lazy, but all the same I didn't want to help build really complex stuff.

Michael saw me awkwardly standing, so he called me over.

"Can you make a small flag? And an 'SOS' sign or something?" He asked me.

"Sure, I'll do that." I replied. That's not too much, I guess.

He smiled and I turned around. I got some large leaves and a long stick. I lay the stick down and attached a large leaf onto it. Then I stood it up, dug the bottom of it into the sand and made it steady.

An idea struck me. I went and started collecting shells and rocks. I used them to write 'SOS', really large and visible, hoping that maybe a helicopter would go over and see it, so we could get home.

"Nice job." I heard a voice behind me.

I turned around to see Ashton. "Thanks." I replied.


The boys managed to make something to cook fish on. We all decided to rest. We all went to our own random positions on the island.

I got bored after a while and decided to go to Luke. When I finally found him, I saw him hugging his knees leaning against a tree, with tears down his face and red puffy eyes. He was clearly crying.

I jogged to where he was and sat down next to him, putting my hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

"Luke," I said, "what's wrong?"

He quickly wiped his tears. "Nothing." He replied hurriedly.

"Luke, tell me."

"I miss them." He said. I knew who he was talking about- his parents. "I miss them a lot."

I rested my head on his shoulder, and he rested his head on my head.

"Oi. Stop being a wimp." Michael said as he kicked Luke on the leg.

Luke and I looked up at him. Wimp?

"Be a man. Stop crying."

I was really taken aback at what Michael was saying. I was so shocked. Or was he just saying it out of anger? Maybe he missed his home and is putting his anger out on Luke. Luke would usually stay quiet to something like this. But for some reason, not this time. He got up within a second, standing face to face with Michael.

"No, I'm not being a 'wimp'," Luke said, the anger clearly stressed in his voice, "I have a heart unlike you and I care about my family. I'm scared about them."

"I don't have a heart?" Michael said, "So how did I say that we're all gonna get through this mess together?"

"Well I'd prefer getting out alone than having an idiot like you calling me a wimp when I'm missing my family."

Michael gently pushed Luke, who took a few steps back. "What so you think I don't miss my family?" Michael said.

"Well you ran away from them so no, to be honest." Luke replied taking the few steps back forward.

Calum and Ashton had also gotten up. They seemed like they were ready in case a fight was going to start any second.

"You don't care about your family do you?" Michael said, pushing Luke again, "You just want to impress the girl, don't you?"

I knew this was false, as obviously did Luke. This filled Luke up with so much anger and rage that before he knew it, he'd swung a punch at Michael. Ashton and Calum ran to break up the two from fighting. Michael tried to grab Luke's shoulders, but was pulled back by Ashton.

It was too much for me, I was starting to get dizzy. I stood up and went towards the forest, away from the boys. I went and sat against a tree, my back facing the situation.

I took deep and slow breaths, trying to calm myself down. 'Don't worry Taylor', I tried to reassure myself, 'Calum and Ashton can sort it out.'

I couldn't hear anything serious behind me anymore. I heard footsteps approaching me. A few seconds later, Calum sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulder.

Calum and I had a new friendship. One I'd never had before. We didn't talk to each other much, but we'd just sit in silence. I didn't have feelings for him.. like, going out a with him or anything like that. I just enjoyed his company, and I guessed he enjoyed mine.

I rested my head on Calum's shoulder, he rested his on my head, and we sat there until, somehow, sleep came to me.

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