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7. Saturday

" Wake up "

I open one eye to see Jake sitting on the end of my bed , I forget where I am and start to panic until I realise ... I am alone . My mother is dead and my father is missing and now I'm staying at my crushes house . What is happening ! I open both eyes and sit up looking around .

" Breakfasts ready Em "

Em? EM? Since when does he call me Em ? Since when does he even know my name ?

" Um thanks , I'll get ready and be down in a bit "

He nods then leaves and I slowly untuck myself and get out of my bed yawning and stretching going over the events of yesterday . A tear come to my eye but I quickly wipe it away .

After a shower and putting on my old clothes from yesterday , still stained with my mothers blood I head downstairs .

" How are you doing sweetie ? " Mrs Cole asks
" I'm doing ok I guess " I answer
" Oh no " she says eyeing my clothes " follow me"

She leads me back upstairs and makes me change into some different clothes . It's a tank top and a mini skirt

" Are these yours? " I asked politely slightly scared that a 40 odd year old owned teenagers miniskirts and tank tops
" No just some girl who slept here in the guest room while coming round to see Jake one night, she came round often but this one night  it was late so we offered her to stay in the guest room but she left quickly the next morning in one of Jakes tops meanwhile leaving her clothes and she never came back to get them so... Is that ok , I don't think you would fit into anything of mine "

" That's fine . Do you know who the girl was ? " I ask full of curiosity and wonder

" I think her name was Kate " as soon as I hear the name my heart skips a beat " yes that's it Katie Lee , why do you know her ? " I freeze

Nooooooo this can't be happening , Kate . My best friend Kate came to see Jake . That's bizarre , she always comments on how much of a jerk he is , a little too much actually now I think about it , what went on between them? And why did she leave so early that next morning ?

" Um no, I don't think so , Thank you " I say quickly getting changed, afterwards we go back downstairs my mind racing with questions

Jake and Mr Cole are sitting at the kitchen table and look up at me as I sit down , Mrs Cole bringing breakfast to the table . Yum , I think . Sausage sandwich . My favourite, my mom used to make me this all the time . The thought of my mom still hurts but it also keeps me going remembering her . Once we have finished breakfast with yet more small talk Mr Cole speaks directly to me " So have you thought about going home yet Emily " Mrs Cole looks at him startled and annoyed that he asked that question , I have thought about it but I don't really want to but I guess I can't stay here forever .

" Um well yes I've thought about it " I reply nervously
" You don't have to do anything you don't want to , you know " Mrs Cole says very motherly

Jakes looks at me and gives me a nod reassuring that I'd be ok then he speaks
" I'll come with you if you want me to Em "
" Well that's wonderful , Jake you can take her and stay with her until she's ok "Mrs Cole says suddenly cheering up , I couldn't say no
" Thank you Jake " I say looking at him and smiling the first smile since before my mother died , " Thanks " I repeat
" No problem , so we'll go right away " he says standing up and indicating me to the front door

Nerves rise and it takes me a minute to stand up and think strait . I'm going home ...

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