Our Father

57 3 0

He stumbles in, every morning
His boisterous steps echoing throughout,
An uneven, broken tempoed beat
A raspy coffee stained breath.
His cigarette budded sigh heaved upon our faces
Tainted by poison he bares in his stomach.
Night after night, morning after morning
His hands clasp our knee shivering throats
Pinning us, his children, against the wall
Gasping, begging for breath,
Denied the right to live in peace.
Cause when the bottle hits bottom
So do we.
Down the stairs we go again
Tumbling, breaking, tear flowing love;
A monotonous silent film
Cursed to repeat itself
That no one ever decides to change

...My father
...His father
...Our father's father

All on the same track
As if the broken record was not enough
Cause the cracks already hurt
But hearing the same old song
Over and over, time after time,
Kills me again.

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