Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Abby's POV

Once I'd put the guns away the guys headed for the door and headed back to Libby's desk. I stayed behind and started clearing everything away, completely forgetting about Crystal and Jamie. As I was unlinking the punch bags I heard the door open and close again, I froze until I heard the familiar talking. "What are you still doing here?" I rolled my eyes. "Sorry Jamie, I forgot you guys were coming." I said whilst linking the punch bags back up.

"Oh no, it's fine, we were hoping we'd still find you here. We'd like it if you us. We spoke to Katalina and she said you helped her realise she needs to practise blocking." Crystal spoke, I could tell something was different. She didn't have the usual gleam in her eyes. This time they were filled with hate and anger, that only made me feel more and more uncomfortable and frightened that I'm going to die. I know I'm the best, (not trying to brag or anything) but I could never kill Crystal. "Um...sure, why not?" I looked up at the camera in the top right corner of the room.

Libby's POV

"Oh my god! Abby you need to get out of there!" I cried whilst holding onto my earpiece, the guys gave me a look of confusion. "What's going on?" The one with a lip ring asked. "Crystal and Jamie are in there with Abby." I said whilst panting, the tanned one shrugged his shoulders. "That's fine, Abby and Crystal are friends." My eyes widened. "She didn't tell you?" Curly walked up to my desk. "What did she not tell us?" I gulped. "Crystal and Jamie want Abby dead." All the guys eyes widened at the news.

"What are you doing? Get her out of there!" Cool hair shouted making me flinch. I held down on my earpiece once more. "Abby, you need to get out of there, they're both armed." I was still focusing on the screen and Abby wasn't moving, none of them were. And by the looks of it they weren't talking either. I started hitting the screen to see if it's a crash, but nothing happened. Out of nowhere, seven gun shots went off making everyone close by scream.

The guys all collapsed to the floor, blank expressions. Abby can't be dead, can she? No she can't be, she's like my daughter, I know I've known her three years, but I feel as if she's my own child. Cutting me out of my thoughts, the door to the training room opened and one shadowy figure, wearing an oversized hoodie, walked out. They walked so they were in front of me and lifted their head, I screamed at the sight. One) it wasn't Abby. Two) Abby had messed this person up. And this person, was Crystal. She was covered in blood.

Her hands reached out for me but were abruptly stopped by someone pulling Crystal across the floor. I heard multiple cries and I looked at the two. It was Abby, she was covered in blood and could hardly walk. I grabbed the phone and called for an ambulance, just as I hung up, there was a gun shot, and one person left standing. "Abby!" Everyone shouted running up to her. She started thanking us, but her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she went limb and fell to the ground.


Michael's POV

Well, hasn't today been eventful? We got Abby, Abby showed us the agency, she's shown us the training room, she's taught us some things in the training room, she's been in two fights, and in one she had to kill her friend and her shitty boyfriend. And now, Abby's on the floor in need of an ambulance. "Someone call it!" I shouted, Libby took a step closer, tears filled her eyes. "I've already called it. We should check for what injuries she has so we can try and stop the bleeding."

I looked up at Libby with hope in my eyes. "How are we supposed to do that?" Libby looked me dead in the eye. "Strip her, not completely just so she's in bra and underwear, that way you can see the injuries easier." The guys did as I suggested and gasps filled the room at the first injury. She'd been shot in the stomach, blood was oozing out of her. I took my shirt off and tied it around Abby's waist and applied pressure to it to try and stop the bleeding.

We then had to turn Abby over and her back looked worse. The bullet that went in her stomach came out of her back and in the back, the hole was much bigger. There was much more blood and then on her shoulder blades she had multiple cuts. Obviously one shot her from in front and the other tried to cut her throat but kept missing. The cuts were extremely deep, Abby would definitely be needing stitches.

Shortly, the ambulance arrived and the paramedics placed Abby onto the journey and placed her carefully into the ambulance, the guys and I ran to the car and followed the ambulance, Libby couldn't come. She had to stay at the desk, but she said once she finished today's shift, she'd meet us at the hospital. "Do you guys think she'll be ok?" Calum asked a look of worry spread across his face. "To be honest Cal, I don't know. It looked really bad." Luke spoke softly, everyone started to cry. Especially Ash, I know he's just adopted Abby, but he loves her like an actual daughter and it's only been one day.

Ashton Irwin Adopted A CIA AgentWhere stories live. Discover now