"I want an answer!" Freider yelled.

"How dare I what?" He tried to sound bored, but Kyle wasn't sure he'd managed it. Anger rose inside him like a tidal wave, and as much as he tried to stay calm, he was losing the battle.

"And out of all those girls, you had to go for the blonde bimbo! You could have gotten the redhead or the brunette. But nooo—"

Kyle took a step forward, his fists clenched, all self-control flying out the window. "Don't dare call Kay names! What's your problem with blondes, anyway? You married one yourself."

"Yes!" Freider raged on. "I married one. Me. Me not you!"

Kyle stepped back. "What?" Had his father completely lost his mind?

"I won't let you throw away all that we've built for you—" Freider started.

Ah, hell no! "What you've built?" He wouldn't let Freider play that card. "Does abandoning me in Texas count as building? I know why you never came to visit me. I heard you and Max fighting over the phone. You never actually wanted me. So don't come claiming you've built anything for me."

"Honey, that's not true," Maxi whispered, her eyes drowning in tears.

"Really, Mom?" Kyle faced her. "You didn't even bother to ask your brother why I was depressed when I came home. He knew about Kay. He would've told you what was wrong in an instant."

Maxi covered her mouth with her hands and whimpered, tears cascading down her cheeks. Kyle's heart tightened. He loved his mother, but she had it coming. Her choices had consequences.

"You and that girl are never to see each other again!" Freider shouted.

"Says who? I'm not breaking up with Kay because you say so. You have absolutely no idea what we've been through together. If Snitch Gravel couldn't come between us, neither will you."

Freider's eyes slid out of focus. He gazed from Kyle to Maxi and let out a scream of rage. Before Kyle could react, he'd lunged forward and hit him across the face. Kyle rolled back over the couch and fell on the other side. He got to his feet, holding on to his burning cheek. He never thought Freider had that much strength in him.

Apparently unsatisfied with the result, Freider darted around the couch, his arm in striking position again. Kyle caught his fist in mid-air this time. He put every ounce of self-control into not breaking his bones. If he weren't his father, he would have.

Maxi swept past him and slapped Freider across the face so hard, he swayed on his feet.

Kyle let go of his father and stared at his mother. Her eyes were red and teary, but also burning with anger. He'd never seen her lose composure like that.

"How dare you?" she hissed. "How dare you hit him? Do you think that makes you a better man? How dare you lecture him about girls?"

Freider's slightly mad gaze shot from Kyle to his wife. The vein bulged again as his face contorted with rage. He raised his arm as if to strike her, but Kyle pushed him back and grabbed his wrist.

"Don't you dare hit Mom, or I swear I'll forget you're my father and beat the shit out of you," he said between gritted teeth.

Freider tried to jerk his arm free, but Kyle tightened his grip until his father winced.

"Kyle, Dad, stop this." Sam's voice carried across the room.

The lost look in Freider's eyes vanished and he shook his head. Kyle let go of his arm and stepped back. Jerry had rushed down the stairs and pulled his mother away from the two of them. Sam remained rooted on the bottom step, staring at everyone in the room.

Freider lowered his arm. "I'm so sorry, my dear. I don't know what got into me." He walked forwards and took Maxi out of Jerry's arms.

She fought his grip, but he whispered something to her, something that caused her entire body to fall limp.

"What happened?" Sam asked, finally getting off the staircase and walking towards them.

"Nothing. Your older brother just disappointed me enormously." Freider shook his head and squeezed Maxi tighter against him then smiled. "We have a surprise for you. Your mother and I decided to go on a second honeymoon. I've already phoned your grandmother and she'll be here tomorrow to keep an eye one you."

Sam looked as if someone had hit him over the head. "Dad, really, we don't need a babysitter."

"Oh, but your grandmother would love to see you. All of you. Your mother and I are leaving tonight. Just need to get our luggage sorted." Freider practically dragged Maxi towards the stairs.

Kyle stared after them, his muscles twitching, his face still throbbing where his father had hit him. What was going on? Why wasn't his mother saying anything? What had Freider told her to cause her to turn into a rag doll?

"Kyle, what really happened?" Sam's voice broke through.

Kyle turned to him and Jerry and dropped on the couch. He sank his face in his hands, trying to stop his body from shaking with rage. "How much of it did you see?"

"None. Just you holding on to Dad's arm," Jerry whispered. "You're scary when you're this upset."

"I'm sorry, I'm just trying to fight a really strong feeling of hatred towards him. And it's not really working."

"Okay, now I'm worried." Sam sat on the couch opposite to Kyle's. "Spill."

Kyle sighed. "Mom and Dad walked on me and Kay when we were saying goodbye. Dad went into super pissy mode and started yelling his head off at me. And I kinda snapped back."

Jerry cringed. "I can see why he might have wanted to hit you there."

"Wanted? He punched me right over this couch." Kyle rubbed his face again.

Sam stared at him, his green eyes wide. "Dad punched you over the couch?"

"I half ducked, that's why I rolled over. But as if that wasn't enough, he wanted to do it again."

"So that's why you were holding on to his arm?" Jerry asked weakly.

"No, I did that to stop him hitting Mom."

"What?" Sam and Jerry both got to their feet, their hands balled into fists. They looked towards the stairs as if seriously considering going up and giving their father a piece of their mind.

"Well, Mom hit him first. I've never seen Mom so angry in my life."

"What's wrong with them?" Sam asked, his voice shaking with repressed anger.

"I don't know, but I hope they sort it out while they're away." Jerry sat back down, rubbing his temples. "I'm honestly glad they're leaving. And thanks for not smacking Dad back, Kyle."

Kyle raised his eyebrows. He wasn't used to Jerry ever agreeing with him or taking his side yet. Not after a year of constant fighting. "You think I would hit my own father?"

"I might have," Jerry mumbled, sinking lower into the couch.

Kyle bit the insides of his cheeks to stop the proud smile from stretching across his face. Jerry had grown up so much, it was unbelievable. "I say we don't worry Jimmy and Tom with this."

Sam bit his lip. "Are you sure?"

"They should build some admiration towards him before being disappointed and hating his guts. I'm just kidding," Kyle added, seeing the bemused look on Jerry's face.

Jerry smiled. "I know."

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