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"Sleep tight while I do my chores." She whispered to the quintuplets as she placed the five babies side-by-side in the basket snug like sardines in a can.
She brought the basket down and started to hum random muggle songs.


After a few hours, Melody stops sweeping and cleaning and sat on the sofa.

"Mum! We finished de-gnoming the garden!" Saffron dryly shouted from the backyard. Melody stood up and checked up on the twins. She opened the door to the garden and saw the dirt-covered twins in their pajamas. She sighed deeply.

"How many times do I have to tell you, two little muddy twins, that. . ." She took a deep breath, "Nevermind, just take a bath and eat lunch after that. Got it, Saffron Grace?" She said calmly.
"Yes, mum," Saffron answered back
"Steffan Fitzgerald?"
"Yes, mum." He said then he quickly shoved each other to and raced to their room.

Melody sat back down and looked in the basket. She saw how her quintuplets were very different from one another. And how they also fit in with one another

"Well, I can't wait to see you guys grow up like those two." She said sarcastically
"Wait right here. I have to find the elf." She said to them

She stood up and started searching for the lost house-elf.

Meanwhile later that night, the kids were tucked to bed and snoozing soundly in their rooms. While the husband and wife 'work things out'.

"I can't believe you, woman! You-you psycho!" David shouted his hot words dripping with annoyance and regret
"Me either! Talk about 'amazing husband'. I loved the house when you weren't around. You fell in love with a Muggle!" Melody shot back with the words piercing through David's chest

"Well, same with you! You fell in love with-"
"I know! Those feelings are already shattered years ago! Same with yours. I know! You've been pointing daggers at me ever since this damned arrangement! Maybe if the kids enter Hogwarts then we can split this marriage apart! That'll be great news for everyone!" She said happily as she shot her arms in the air
"Not for the kids. They'd be sad or disappointed." He replied sadly. Melody slowly brought her arms to her side

"Wait. David Cipher. A son of Alexander Cipher. A pureblood. Softened?" She gasped, "I'm surprised... NOT!" She bellowed

"Well, the middle child of the five children. The third child of the quadruplets. Third girl. Third in best. Third in the eyes of her parents," He spat, "you'll never be seen as the odd one out. You were thrown over the shadow of your brother. The youngest in fact. And the fact that he's adopted! You're pathetic! Pathetic as a daughter. Pathetic as a Slytherin. And also a pathetic mother!" He said bitterly. The words pierce through Melody's chest like the words that let her feelings shatter and disappear years ago. . . .


The afternoon courtyard quiet and peaceful. The Fifth years had their subjects cleared for this time.

"Hey, Mel! Trying out for the Triwizard Tournament?" Francis asked Melody

Melody looked at him, bewildered
"Nah, that's full of garbage! And if you even want to join it's filled with difficult tasks that every witch or wizard can have a difficult time with. So, I suggest that you leave the foolish tasks to the fools who want to risk their lives who even try to do it, Fran." She said
"What if I want to?" He asked

An uncomfortable eerie silence blew upon them until Melody had the guts to break the tension forming.

"Then you can. I mean, it's a personal decision." She defended
"Well, I'll show them. I'll show them." He said
"You show what? The bullies? They just pester anyone to get under your nerves. Just ignore them." She advised
"What? Do you mean that Cipher kid? He's a pushover! You could've taken him down in seconds in your sleep! I mean my pack." He said. He'd realized what he'd said. And clamped his mouth shut

Life goes on {HP Fanfic} (DISCONTINUED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن