Chapter 16 - Fucking Liar.

Start from the beginning

I chuckled at his comment, "Okay."



"Say it."


"You don't see us being married one day?"

"I don't know. We argue wayyyy too much."

"You still my baby though." He said rubbing his finger across my lip.

"Ew fucking stop. I don't know where your hands been."

"I know where they could be. I know where this mouth can be also." He said smirking at himself.

"Never." I replied.

"Never what? I could be talking about anything."

"Cause I know you."

"You KNEW me."

"Whatever. But why Sapphire always tell me I was a prostitute? You told her that?" I asked him since it popped up in my head.

"Fuck no. She made that shit up."

"Where did she get prostitute from though?"

"Because she asked me how met, and I told her you wanted to show me a good time for some money." He said.

"That's not how we met. Did you really tell her that shit?"I yelled.

Why would he make up a lie like that, that's not even how we met.

"That is how we met. She made up that prostitute shit."

"Well thats what you made me sound like. How could you lie on me like that?"

"How did we meet then? She asked me for the truth, and I told her. It was in the past why does that shit still embarrass you? Its not even that big of a deal."

"Cause that's not how we met. You lied on me, and told that bitch I was a hoe."

"I did not tell her you was a fucking hoe! What the fuck, I am not about to argue with you about this shit."

"If you make up a lie saying I was gonna pay you for a good time, what does that sound like?"

"Does this even matter? We found out she crazy, so can we not talk about this?"

"Yes it does matter! How could you tell her that about me? You were trying to be funny, and I don't appreciate that shit." I yelled.

"Thats really how I remember it. Im sorry she made up some shit about you, cause I told her the truth I don't know what you want me to do."

"Is that really how you remember me?"

"Thats how I remember how we met."

"WOW. I cannot believe this." I chuckled.

"What?! Always wanna argue about nothing, damn."

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