Daniel Fenton

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Danny had never been a really big book fan. In fact he hated to read before his sister, Jazz lent him a book about a young ghost hero in Amity Park. Intrigued by the surreal version of his hometown described in the light novel, he diligently read it from cover to cover. He was disappointed to find that there was no sequel to the young ghost boy's adventures but his sister offered to lend him another book by the same author.

He had hit a break through then, he obsessively collected the rest of the Phantom writer's novels. Through research he found that the author wrote under an alias, and he was barely known!

Danny sulked for days after finding this out,there was no way he'd ever get meet him!

The only thing that got him out of his room was the fact that Plasmius had a new book out, and it was in fact the sequel to the Ghost boy's adventures, and his books were always available in the Amity Park bookstore.

"No Jack! He's reading! And excelling in school too, I'm worried something's wrong." He heard his mother croon proudly though her voice was thick with worry.

Jack seemed to be distracted and after a grunt or two he spoke up, "Don't worry about him Maddikins! He's a Fenton and Fentons always do fine!"

Jazz scoffed,"Scientists believe that knowledge and the way people perceive things have nothing to do with genetics."

"Of course not, Jazz." Danny droned, and Jazz and Maddie looked back to him.

"Danny! We weren't saying anything bad!"

Danny laughed, "Why so defensive then?" Jazz swatted at him and Maddie shook her head at their behavior.

"Can I go to the bookstore?" Jazz perked up at the thought and her hand shot up into the air.

"I'll take him!"

Maddie nodded, "I suppose you can go, just be back in time for lunch."

"We will!" Danny yelled, shoving his arms into his coat and yanking the door open.

Jazz had grabbed the keys to her small turquoise car, that she had received as a birthday present just a week before.

"Are you sure you can drive?" Danny teased, wrinkling his nose.

Jazz swing her legs into the vehicle and looked at him through the open passenger door, "I'll make sure to avoid stop signs, dear brother."

Danny chortled, stepping in and closing the door, "I'd really rather you didn't."

"I know how to drive." Jazz said with a roll of her eyes and a turn of the car keys.

As the engine flared to life, as did the radio with a loud voice over breaking the silence that ensued between the two siblings. Danny cracked up, beating his hand on the dash as the deep voice began a lecture on the minds of the mentally ill.

"Oh, shut up." Jazz muttered, although amused by her brother's breakdown.

Danny watched the girl fumble with the radio while wiping away his tears with mirth, "Sorry Jazz, it's just hard to believe that you don't fake all this."

"What? Being myself is unusual?"

Danny stifled another snort,"For you? Never." He replied sarcastically.

Jazz actually snorted at Danny's bluntness. "Well, I never judged you." She sniffed in a stuck-up manner. "Not even when you peed your pants that one time."

"Jazz!" She tittered, pulling swiftly into an available parking spot.

"Come on." She said, exiting the car.

She abandoned him at the store door, telling him to stay within a certain distance, before taking off down the rows of books with powerful strides.

Danny searched for the newly released book, hoping to find it among the colorful covers in the 'Just Out' section.

He turned from the bookshelf, without finding what he was searching for, and moving on to a nearby shelf he was pulled in by the dark green cover of a book. And without a moment's hesitation he reached for it, clashing hands with someone next to him. Danny let out a nervous laugh and murmured an apology that seemed to fall upon deaf ears. He tried again, stumbling out an question this time. He managed to have a slightly one-sided conversation with the silver haired man.

He looked familiar but Danny couldn't place his face. But it surprised him when he introduced himself as the mayor. The man had handed him the book and walked off quickly. Danny would have to thank him sometime. He hugged the book tightly as he made his way back to his sister's side.

Danny was shocked, he hasn't expected to meet the mayor today, neither had thought the mayor would buy him a book!

He was brimming with excitement by the time they made it home and quickly dashed to his room to start reading the new book. However he found that when he opened it there was neat cursive scrawled inside the cover.

'To my biggest fan,

I'm surprised people even read my books, you wouldn't mind if the book signing was just us two, would you?'

It was signed Vlad Plasmius, and underneath the letter there was a number.

Danny's breath caught in his throat, should he called the number?

Did the mayor leave this here as a joke? Why would he do that? Danny frowned, if the mayor hadn't written this who did? Maybe the librarian. No.

Hesitation almost clouding his thoughts, Danny picked up his cellphone and punched in the number. The phone rang once, twice, three-


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