"You've just made this day so much better." I sigh lovingly, shutting my locker and leaning against it as Brady continues to smile at me.

"I'm glad," Brady chuckles, before reaching for my Literature book and taking it in his lean arms. I try not to let my heart swoon, but it's pretty difficult. "And I have a proposition for you."

"What are you proposing?"

Brady uses his other hand to run through his wavy, tawny locks. "I think that we should go out. On a date. Together. Wait." He sighs exasperatedly. "Will you go out on a date with me? Like, a first date?"

And I laugh, not because the thought of us going out on a date is humorous, but because of how adorably nervous and uncomfortable he seems. I'm not used to being around a guy who's this vulnerable. Sure Ford had his moments, but for the most part he was confident and charming, never missing a beat when it came to stealing my heart.

"I'm sorry," I quickly apologize when I notice a look of hurt flash through Brady's evergreen orbs. "You're just so cute, Brady."

"Thank you?"

"What I mean is, of course I'll go on a date with you." I roll my eyes playfully, stepping forward so that I'm that much closer to Brady, so close that I can look up at his innocent eyes and hear his soft breaths. He's so nervous and it's adorable yet assuring at the same time, because I know I was the exact same way with Ford.

Brady's face relaxes as his arms wrap around my waist, but before he can say anything the sound of a locker slamming interrupts our moment. I glance around him as Ford comes storming down the hallway like a hot lighting bolt, shoving anyone who blocks his way.

"The hell is his problem?" Brady grumbles, gently wrapping his arm around me and pulling me towards his chest.

"I don't know," I watch Ford continue to shove through students, all until he disappears from sight completely. "And honestly?" I turn to face Brady then, allowing my lips to lift into a small smile. "I don't care. He isn't my boyfriend anymore, right?"

Brady beams. "Right."


"I'll see you at home." Dad waves goodbye before closing the door of the restaurant behind him, leaving me alone in the huge lot.

I sigh before grabbing a broom and beginning to clean. Since I've realized that Ford working the same hours as me would only cause conflict, I told my dad that I'd rather work the night shift. That way I could still work and earn money but avoid all of the pointless drama and stress that comes with being around Ford. Also, it'll keep my heart under control and focused on the right thing—the right boy.

I won't lie—I've thought about Ford when I've been with Brady, and not in always in a spiteful way. We've only been dating for a few days, and I'll compare the little things Brady does to Ford—for instance, like the way he walks. Brady walks with caution and care, always asking me if it's okay to hold my hand whereas Ford was confident and would hold my hand if he felt like it, without asking. I can't decide which I like better, but I shouldn't have to. I shouldn't compare Brady to Ford because that isn't fair to Brady in any sort of way. Brady deserves my honesty and respect and I can't give that to him if I'm constantly thinking about my ex. So, I've gone out of my way to eliminate him from my life.

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