
"I should kill this Stryker man." A female spoke under her breath.

My senses were slowly coming back to me and the throbbing pain in the back of my head was begging for attention.

Reaching back with my hand, I rubbed my head, gasping when I felt something warm and wet.

"Hey, guys. She's waking up." Another voice said.

I lifted my head as my eyes fluttered open, taking in my surroundings.

The lighting was terrible, but I could make out a couple chairs, dozens of boxes, and three people were in the room with me. I didn't know the two females, but Victor was the third one and he was smirking at me.

My body stiffened and I gripped the edge of my chair tightly. I wasn't tied down, which was surprising. My hands and ankles were free from restraints.

"Mornin, sunshine." One of the girls spoke. She had purple colored in her dark black hair. "Name's Pyslocke. She's Callisto." The girl flicked her head in the direction of the other female, the one who had covered my mouth and knocked me out.

"Sorry for makin you bleed." Callisto pulled a chair closer to me and say on it backwards. "Magneto wanted you without much fighting."

My eyes went back to Victor, who still watched me off in the darkened side of the room. His arms were crossed and he was terrifying, as always.

I parted my lips to breath a little better. I still couldn't find my voice to speak.

"Bet you're happy to see me again, doll face."

"Leave her alone, Victor." Psylocke said. They all were watching me, and I didn't like it.

Silence fell upon the room for a few moments before Callisto spoke.

"Magneto was planning on being here when you woke up, but he's out with a couple mutants."

"Where's Logan?" I asked quietly, looking to her.

"He is the least of your worries." A deep voice spoke from behind me.

I turned in my chair to see Magneto walking towards me. There was Johnny to his left and to his right was Logan. Logan was with them!


Logan smirked, and then he started turning blue.

I watched as Logan shifted into a blue woman with red hair, right before my eyes.

"Meet Mystique." Magneto said, gesturing to the woman. "She's a very unique woman, Embry-Lynn. Just like you."

I turned in my chair as Magneto moved to stand in front of me, but he gave me my space, thankfully.

"I know you've been trying to learn to use your mutation, Embry. I can help you more than Xavier has or can. He knows your mutation is destructive and he will make you put boundaries on it—,"

"It's what I need."

"It's what will be your downfall. Embry-Lynn. All it takes is one slip up and you lose control. You need to learn to live with your mutation."

"It's a part of you, girl." Callisto said, getting up off of the chair she was in. "Embrace it."

"I'm sure your mutation isn't something like mine." I told her, shifting uncomfortably in my seat. "What is your mutation?"

"Speed. And I can find mutants. It's how we got you."

"Magneto told us you were powerful." Psylocke said.

"Oh that's adorable." Victor chuckled coldly, pushing himself off of the wall. "The kid's afraid of her own shadow. She isn't powerful."

"No thanks to you, I presume." Magneto turned his head to Victor, who stopped to stand beside him.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and gripped the sides of the chair again. My bare thighs were cold against the metal. I was in a pair of short shorts, which did nothing to keep me warm.

Victor growled from deep in his chest.

"I'd watch it if I were you, Creed." Johnny said, lighting a ball of fire in his palm.

"You thought I wouldn't find out what you did to her, Victor." Magneto chuckled, turning his back on me so he was facing Victor. "And if I find out that you hurt her in any way, I will kill you."

Victor growled, but then let it turn into a chuckle.

"What are you talking about, Erik?" Mystique asked him, crinkling her eyebrows as she faced the two men.

"Show them your scars, Embry-Lynn." Magneto said over his shoulder.

I didn't move, I couldn't. I was scared. They were going to see the scars and think it was okay to do whatever they wanted with me too.

"Show us, Embry." Callisto said, moving closer a few steps with Psylocke.

I shakily brought my hand up to unbutton the larger shirt of Logan's that I had fallen asleep in. Luckily, I had a tank top on underneath it.

I pushed the shoulder off and brought my long hair to one side so they could see the scars.

"Oh my God." Mystique whispered, stepping a little closer too.

The metal of my chair finally gave out since I was holding on to it so tightly and disintegrated, which made me panic—thinking I was going to break the chair— and jump to my feet.

"You are in safe hands, Embry-Lynn." Magneto put his hands gently on my shoulders, one of which was bare. I flinched away from his cold touch and turned so I was facing him, pulling the material to my shirt up so I was covered once again. "You, Mr. Creed, are the one who has been keeping Ms. Embry-Lynn from controlling her mutation."

Victor stayed silent, his dark gaze lingering on me.

"Embry-Lynn, I can assure you that Victor will not bring you any harm as long as you stay with me." Magneto said. He held his hand out for me, all the while everyone else began interlacing hands as well.

"I-I don't know." I spoke quietly, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "Logan.... I can't just leave them.... and Remy—,"

"You can return to them whenever you'd like, Embry, darling. Howlett has promised again and again that Victor would not hurt you, but hasn't that all been a lie?" I only looked down at my feet. "Embry-Lynn, trust me. I haven't done a thing to hurt you and I do not wish to hurt you. You are a unique being, destined for beauty and power."

I bit my bottom lip, eyes flickering up to meet Magneto's gentle gaze.

He was telling the truth. Logan had promised to keep Victor away from me, but he hasn't been able to.

And Magneto said I could go back to them whenever I wanted.

I took his hand, allowing him to be the one who taught me.

If you don't know who Callisto and Psylocke are they are in X-Men the Last Stand.

<3 Kacey <3

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