Chapter 2

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I dedicate this chapter to my ESM (Evil Spamming Master X3)

Richard smirked at his new uniform. He had sewn it himself. Although it was made of trash bags... He shrugged. "Just means I'm fucking creative." He thought to himself with a smirk as he exited the abandoned rotting house.

He slipped it on and ran around Gotham stopping when he made it to a certain place in Gotham. *His* place in Gotham. Yep, he was now planning on taking over parts of Gotham. He thought of it as a sorta sick game little game. game. Who could try and take over his piece of Gotham the longest with out dying?

He jumped down and started attacking the drug dealers below. He broke some bones, splattered some blood, you know, the usual. Suddenly he saw a dark figure approach him.

He rolled his eyes in exasperation. "Hello bat breath." He rolled his eyes as the figure glared at him.

"Who are you" The figure growled. "Someone with no breath mint and yet still has better breath than you." He pinched his nose and scrunched up his face as he glared right back at the figure.

It suddenly stepped out of the shadows to reveal a tall muscular man wearing a black bat shaped costume. Richard stared at him blankly. "You look like a fucking gay pedophile." Richard pointed out bluntly.

Batman growled and shoved him into a wall. "Who are you? Why are you wearing garbage bags?" Richard huffed and turned away from Batman as he crossed his arms. "You're just jealous I'm more stylish than you pedophile."

Batman glared at him but it seemed to have no affect on the child as he glared straight back, nearly making batman flinch as fire seemed to dance around the boy's dark blue eyes. Batman let out a sigh and tried one more time. "Who. Are. You?" Batman growled lowly as the boy shoved a hand in his face. On his hand, he had somehow managed to write "I'm not talking to you till you apologize."

Finally Batman had, had enough and slapped some handcuffs on him. Richard stared at them blankly. 'Is that even necessary?' He thought as he slipped his hands out of the cuffs easily. He narrowed his eyes at Batman for a while before batman handed him a strange device. He looked t it curiously.

"They're called Chinese hand cuffs" Batman explained as he stared at Richard mess around with it. Eventually and Richard got his fingers stuck in the cuffs and tugged as hard as he could to try and get them off but gave up after nearly cutting off his finger circulation. He slumped in his seat and grumbled angrily.

Batman however, ignored him and continued driving towards Mount Justice with a tiny, nearly invisible smirk on his lips as Richard started plotting his death and attempted multiple times to find something to cut his fingers off with.

Sorry it's not linger but the laptop is glitching out and it's making it hard for me to type. Hope you enjoyed ESM and everyone else!

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