Chapter 2

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" Wow..." Shadekit couldn't finish her sentence, the words where gone. It was like a gold mine for exploring! Soulkit could barley hold in her excitement either. I wonder what the fresh kill pile will look like, or high rock! She thought as she furrowed her brow in deep concentration. " Let's explore Shadekit. There is no point leaving the nursery if you are just gonna gaze in awe at just one spot. We can look everywhere. Maybe we will even meet an elite warrior or even better, Ashstar! Come on Shadekit!" Soulkit whined as Shadekit stood deep in thought.

" Ok, I'll race you to find and stand by the fresh kill pile. Ready! Set! Go!!!" Shadekit pushed off the ground and charged forward, Soulkit following behind. Using her nose the managed to track down the pile. So close! Almost there! Then the ground came rushing towards her face. Soulkit jumped over her and raced on. I'll never win anything! She cried in her thoughts. Maybe I should just give up. She gazed at the trees then realised how she could win.

She got up and leapt onto a bent over tree and ran across it, using her claws to help keep her on. Then she pushed off and jumped into the air. She landed on top of the fresh kill pile with a huge grin on her face. " No fair! " Soulkit whined. " Well done young kit. You used your surroundings and wits to help win. You will make a fine warrior. And you, Soulkit, will make a great one to. If you hadn't have stopped to watch Shadekit jump then you had a good chance of winning. " Shadekit and Soulkit turned at the same time to see where the voice was coming from. She looked at the grey cat. " Who are you?" She and Soulkit asked in union. Wait a minute, I recognise that scent, it was in the nursery when I was born. And the mark on his forehead...

Shadekit's eyes widened as she realised who it was.

Hi guys! Hope you are liking it!
~ Blazingtail

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