Once I tied the last one I walked to the front door and waited. Jack ran up to me, opened the door and shoved me outside. I nearly stumbled and I ran into Jeff who was waiting for me outside. I looked up and gave him a shy smile. He chuckled and picked the last piece of toast out of my mouth. "Hey I was still eating that," I grumbled. He shrugged and popped the piece into his mouth. "You all set, Sunshine," he asked. I nodded and we started walking out into the forest, straight to town.

"Are you nervous," he asked me as we walked. "Yeah...," I muttered. He sighed in relief and replied, "Good...I'm not the only one."


Jeff couldn't go very far with me so I was eventually left to walk all by myself. My stomach is fluttering with "butterflies". What will I do once I walk in? Things will be awkward for sure. As I kept walking I could see my school's front gate up ahead. I finally reached it and took in a deep breath. Welp, here goes nothing.

I stepped in and walked through the front doors. Students swarmed the halls and so far no one had noticed my reappearance yet. I started to walk casually, thinking that things will go smoothly, when someone points me out. "Is that Elizabeth?!" they exclaimed a little too loudly. I looked around and could see that that little outburst caught everyone's attention. I stood there, completely paralyzed until I finally decided to run. I ran past kids and headed for my classroom, which I suspected, would react the same way as everyone else.

I run into my writing class and everyone immediately gives me shocked looks. I fidget and head for my desk in the back. I sit and looked down, avoiding eye contact with anyone. I can feel their eyes stare at me but not like how they used to. I take a glance up and see queen bitch herself. Maddy, Stephanie and Clare walk in, chatting, when Maddy's gaze falls on me. She gives me a horrified look and sneers. After all this time that I've been gone, she still hates my guts. That's true hate commitment right there.

The three girls take their seats and shoot a few looks at me. I look away and try to relax. A shadow falls over me and I look up. "Elizabeth?" someone questioned. I looked to see warm, hazel eyes and gentle brown hair. I blushed slightly and managed a smile. "Travis," I said. He smiled and I could see his cheeks flush red. "It's good to see you're back," he said. I nodded and he left me to take his seat. The teacher started class and made a lecture. He abruptly stopped to look at me. He smiled and said, "My, it's been a very very long time, Miss Umber! Welcome back!" I nodded and students turned to look at me then turned back around. Only Maddy looked at me long enough to glare at me. I turned away and faced my attention to the teacher. I hope things stay somewhat casual. It's bad enough I live with killers. I don't need anymore stress on my shoulders.


I was waiting for the bell to ring to signal every student to head for lunch. My classes were okay. Some students actually welcomed me back, and not in a mean way. I talked with Travis and he was really happy to have me back. Things were slightly awkward considering I never forgot that little kiss he gave me. I don't know if I'm correct or not but...I think he likes me? I never really...expected it. I've had a crush on him during my whole high school experience and...now something actually happens. It's weird. And it kind of sucks too. Not because I like him but because I spent those countless moments fretting over him and now he feels the same way once I finally love someone else? A bit unfair once you think about it.

The bell finally rang and everyone rushed out. I packed up my stuff and slung my bag over my shoulder. I took a deep breath and headed for the door. I hope I run into Addie and Johanna. I can't wait to see them again!

I walked out into a crowd of students scrambling towards lunch. I looked all around for my friends but couldn't see them anywhere. Well, I can't expect them to be out in the hall waiting for me. I've been gone for nearly a whole month! They must've stopped waiting around for me. I sulk and lean against a locker. Everything we did was because of me. They always sit at the back because of me. They always wait around for me. Everything was for me. Without me around for so long they've stopped doing their routine. I sigh and start heading to lunch, preparing to eat alone when I hear someone squeal my name. I widen my eyes and turn around only to get tackle hugged and smacked into the lockers behind me. I groan from the pressure of the bear hug and I hear, "ERMEGERD! OUR LITTLE PIKACHU IS BACK!!!" I giggled as I knew who was hugging me so violently.

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