Part Two......The One

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She laid quietly on the floor holding her breath so no sound would be heard. As he walks into the room her fingers stretch, itching to just kill him now.

He walks carefree around his bedroom unaware that 'she' is watching him. He stood next to the bed, her arm slowly stretched out from under the bed. She carefully grasps his ankles and pulls him aggressively under the bed.

Everywhere is dark. It's cold. That familiar metallic smell filled the air.

A shadow whisks around the room, his eyes fling open looking worried. His head held in place, cold metal rested against his dirty cheek.

"What the fuck!" He shouts.

A metal vice rests around his head, a thick screw was placed against his temple. His hands mailed to the cold damp wall. The dark shadow stops in front of his pathetic body mounted up on the wall.

"Who is there?" He asks frantically.

She slowly pulls down the hood of her cloak. She reaches to the vice and begins to tighten the screw. A loud wailing scream fills the room as the screw pierces his temple causing thick red blood to ooze out.

She whips her arm back and begins to laugh tilting her head. The noise of her sharp heels stepping backwards echoes throughout the room. The sound of her footsteps come to a sudden stop.

"Please let me go," he cries.

A gust of wind blows across his face tearful face.

The sound of clanking filled the silent room, a gleam of light flickers around the room from the shine of a new silver machete. The blade swelled just before the tip to make it more efficient to chop through tough skin.

She saunters across the dark room and in one brisk movement she swings the machete gliding it across the top of his legs. Dark red blood pours out of the open flesh. He cries are loud begging for help.

She looks to see his face squinting with pain making her smirk with pride. Her hand swings a second time, but the blow seems to be harder and quicker as it snaps through his patella bones.

Cold vinegar is poured onto his open flesh, he screams out in agony.

"Just kill me, you fucking psycho!" He cries out.

The burning sensation runs through his weak body, his teeth clench together as he tries to hold back his agonising wails.

She begins to loosen the screw from his temple freeing his head. She tugs at the nails that are wedged in his broken hands. His body slumps to the floor, she slowly crouches down next to his immobile body and pushes back her hair from her mysterious face.

He slowly flutters his eyes while wincing in pain. His eyes widen as he gazes into hers.

"You!" He cries as her struggles to push his body away.

She grabs his neck with one hand grasping tightly and pulls him towards her. That's when he see's her face properly.

"What do you want?" He asks.

She tilts her head to the side and smiles.

"I want you," she laughs. "I am going to make you feel every ounce of pain I ever experienced caused by you!"

She pushes his head harshly against the cold concrete floor. She paces a metal clamp on his face using it to force open his bloodshot eyes.

A flicker of fire fills the room as she lights a match, she slowly connects the fierce flame to the wick of a candle. Tilting it above his left eye the burning hot wax drips onto his eyeball. A howling scream fills the air as he struggles to get free. A thick layer of wax covers his pupil and iris, quickly drying up taking away his vision.

"You fucking bitch!" He shouts.

She stands to tower over his battered body. Her arms swing in the air above her head, holding tightly on to the bloodstained machete.

"Fuck you!" She whispers, the words echo around the darkness of the room.

She rams her hands down forcefully, the machete punctures through his chest. Blood swims out of the wound and around the warm machete. His eyes widen as the swelled tip of the machete tears through his poisonous heart.

His glazed eyes blink that one last time as they watch her crash her worn out sledgehammer in to is face. His body turns limb as his heart stops beating.

Her body crashes to the floor and silent sobs escaped her small lips. As she drags her thin body up off the floor she pulls out a crinkled up envelope, in the other hand she pulls out a gun. Her armed hand creeps up to the side of her head, she closes her eyes tightly and smiles.

An ear splitting shriek rips though the air as the bullet tears away from the muzzle.

Her eyes fling open, warm thick blood oozes down her head. Her emotionless body convulses to the floor. Her hand tightly grips the envelope. It was addressed to....To Whom Ever Finds This.

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