Young Love (NovaHD) Chapter 1: "The Pimp of Denver High"

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So, apparently you guys really liked this high school AU! And what's funny, is I write most of these in school, so I know how bitchy and snobby teachers and kids are :D so, yup! By the way, changing the story up a bit! Now, Aleks moves into school right in the beginning of December. Just to let you know! And, I'm basing it off of my high school, which is wicked tiny so yeah... ~Abby


The school bus slowly pulled into the road that lead up to Denver High School. It wasn't as big as Aleks thought it might be. There was a large field surrounding the lower parking lot, where students were getting out of their trucks, talking to friends, and jumping on the small wooden barrier that protected them from the road. Frost was prominent on the grass. As the bus pulled up to the school, Aleks noticed a back road, which led to the track and football field. Three more fields were covered in a light dusting of snow on the other side of the school. The bus pulled up to the front doors, and all of the kids got up, pushing and laughing as they grabbed their jackets and hats. Aleks stood last, with just a thin sweatshirt. This cold is nothing to what is was back in Russia, he thought to himself as he stepped off of the bus. He followed a tall red-headed kid through the doors, and looked around. Kids were laughing and walking to class. He looked at his watch, which read 7:55. He had five minutes to find the office. He looked around, clueless. Aleks felt a hand tap him on the shoulder.

"Hey, you're the new kid that's starting today, right? I'm Jordan." A kid with a red hat and a matching sweatshirt stuck his hand out to greet him. Aleks took it cautiously, shaking it.

"I'm Aleks, with a -ks. Can you show me where the office is?" He asked nervously, trying to hide his accent as best he could.

Jordan smiled. "Sure buddy. And you know Eddie, right?" Aleks grinned. Before Aleks had moved to the States, he had met a Latino boy on Xbox named Eddie. Turns out, he went to Denver High as well, and taught Aleks a lot of English before he moved. 

They walked over to a side door near the entrance, and Jordan showed him inside. An Indian woman looked up from her desk and smiled. "Ah, you're our new student, Mr. Marchant! Welcome to Denver High, sweetheart!" Aleks gave her a small wave, and she gave him his schedule. Aleks peered down at the fancy words. He felt his ears grow red as they left the office, and he tugged at Jordan's sweatshirt. 

"Um, Jordan?" He asked quietly, his face entirely pink. "What's this word?" Jordan took his schedule, and answered. "Semester. That's just what they call the first and second half of the year, pretty much when you take midterms and finals." Aleks nodded, and looked at his first class.

"American History." He looked to Jordan. "All of the language classes and art classes are on this floor, the first floor," Jordan began as he walked towards on of the many staircases. "English and history classes are on the second floor, and math and science are on the third floor, along with the gym and auditorium." They stopped in front of a door. "Have fun." Jordan smiled, and skipped down the hall. Aleks let out a shuddered breath, and opened the door.


The room was loud, and a teacher was laughing at some kids. One kid had tried to shoot a spitball at someone in the front, but it backfired, and he got spit in his hair. Everyone was laughing, including a familiar dark-skinned boy with glasses and a purple beanie. The boy looked up when Aleks closed the door, and let out a giggle. "Mr. Woods, Aleks is here!" The young teacher looked up and gave Aleks a smile. "Hey, Marchant! Come up here, and I'll get you settled in!" His voice was loud and booming over the rest, but it was somewhat comforting, because it was very friendly and inviting. The class began to settle down as Aleks walked up to the front. He was expecting kids to try and trip him, but that wasn't the case. When he got to the front of the room and looked out, all of the kids looked excited to meet him. THAT was different from all of the movies Aleks had seen about high school in America.

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