I follow them out the door as they lead me down the same long, boring hallway with people staring at me as usual, and I simply smile at them. They frown, either switching their gaze to the floor or moving to place themselves in the back of the cell. Good for them, I was getting quite annoyed with their looks.

Reaching a metal door, they open it and sit me down behind a desk and sit in front of me.

The two police are wearing black outfits, both having on a jacket with gold buttons at the end of the sleeves. They aren't wearing the normal police outfit from what I understand. They must be a different kind of police, then. Doesn't make them any less scary.

Throwing down a sheet of papers, I flinch. 

"Who are you, kid?" One begins.

I open my mouth to speak.. only to be stopped as the door slams open with it crashing against the wall, leaving a dent.

The man that walks in is wearing the same type suit as the police, except this man carries gold badges across his chest. As well as this, his tie is plastered with the Autobot symbol, seeming to be embroidered with gold thread.

"Sorry to interrupt, but this child belongs to us. Sorry for any inconvenience she may have caused." He closes with that, and the police gape at him, opening their mouth to speak but shutting it once the man comes up and takes my hand, leading me out the door.

Without saying a word, I'm sat in the back of a black van. Shutting the door behind him, the man sits in the front seat right in front of me, staring the car. "Buckle up." He says.

I stare at him dumbfounded, and I watch as he pulls a belt-like string from a crevice in the side of the car and slinging it across his body. It clicked as he set it down in a red and grey button. I turn to my side, furrowing my brows. There on the side is another belt, just hanging in the air. 

I take it into my hands and pull it across my body, the car slinging forward as I did so, causing the belt to fling back and whip against my face. The side with metal to be exact.

"Hey!" I shout. "That scratched my face!"

The man chuckles. "I'm- uh- i'm sorry, I guess? Can you not put on your own seat belt?"

I bite my lip and nod my head.

And he stops the car, strolling out of his seat and opening my door, beginning to pull on the seat belt and buckling it to the same silver and red button thing. "What is this for?" I question, pulling on the belt that is sitting uncomfortably across my body.

"To keep you safe."

"Safe from what?"

He doesn't answer, but instead, returning to his chair and driving off once more.

The same scenes pass by me, as if I were in the police car, but this time I ride in a black van. Sand plays in my vision, while jumbles of weed flash by too. It is very calm; that is, until we leave the deserted area and enter another town.

We pass by the town without stopping and green grass begins to show up instead of sand, flowers going along with it. Trees still aren't spotted anywhere, but the change in color is pleasant.

Another hour passes when we began driving towards a mountain; it is covered with trees and barely having any ground poking through. A water stream falls down from the top, and small water drops were hitting the ground while the rest of the stream slipping through a crack in the rocks.

That's when the car swerved to the right, speeding down right near a rock wall. My eyes widening, we kept moving..

But, I miscalculated my death, and the ground beneath us lowers, revealing another cave hall. Lights flicker on as we enter, and the walls show up showing more water falling from the ceiling. Yet, the road seemed clear of the wet substance.

Another door opened, and we enter while a brighter light shines in my face. I cover my eyes the slightest, before uncovering them and squinting my eyes.

There, in front of me, stood the Autobots. The ones I have watched battling the Decepticons few times, and the ones I am supposed to despise, and here they are, standing in front of me... staring at me.

Optimus smiles, kneeling down to look at me closer. His eyes narrow, scanning the metal across my skin.

"What is your name?" The leader begins.

"Kira." I smile.

"It is nice to meet you. You caused quite a fuss with the police earlier." Another robot informs. Him being red and white, and not one I have seen before.

My smile fades. 

A few more robots walk up, all staring down and tilting their heads. This is becoming more and more uncomfortable. Why are they staring at me? Of course I have metal on my skin, but do they have to be rude?

"Could you quit staring at me." I state, rubbing my arm and looking at the ground.

"Why do you have metal for skin?" Bumblebee asks.


"What happened to you?"

"Hey! That's cybertronian metal!" 

"Who are you supposed to be?"

The all query, and I frown, turning my head to shoot them all a glare. "I am human! Who do you think I am? Quit being so rude and watching me! There's nothing wrong with what I look like." I shake my head.

"I apologize for them, Kira." Optimus apologizes.

I nod.

"Questions can be asked tomorrow. For now, we will give you a room. We will sort this out before the Earth's forces come again." He concludes, and a few military men walk up.

"We'll show you to your room." A dark skinned man says, ushering for me to follow.

I follow along, fear coursing through my veins. 

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