This Is My House [3]

ابدأ من البداية

A bruise in the shape of his fingers has already started to form and I wince as I gently touch it. By tomorrow, it'll be bad. I bruise like a peach as it is. Nothing will be able to cover it. Taking one last look, I leave the bathroom and go downstairs to get a glass of water. Jack is in the kitchen and I freeze when his eyes land on me. They've gone back to their normal colour, light brown and he seems calmer but I'm nervous.

With wide eyes, I slowly back out of the kitchen. Jack takes a step towards me so I turn and run.

"Meredith!" He calls as he follows me at a much slower pace. 

"Leave me alone!" I cry. My voice breaks between words and I know it's because of what he did. 

As I reach the stairs, I make a quick decision on whether to run up them or turn left and go out the front door. I take the door and run straight out onto the front garden, not pausing as I cross the road and head into the woods opposite. 

"Meredith! Come here, I'm not going to hurt you!"

Jack continues calling me as I stumble over rocks and tree stumps. Branches tear at the skin of my arms but I keep running. He growled at me like some dog and attacked me. Does he honestly believe that I'll just carry on as normal and pretend nothing has happened?

The woods don't seem to end, it just becomes thicker the further I run. It gets darker as well, the trees blocking out the sunlight and I begin to find it difficult to see where I step. A root snags on my foot and I tumble face first onto the muddy ground. Using my hands to break my fall, I land on my knees rather than on my stomach. 

"Are you alright? Meredith?" Jack asks as he kneels down next to me.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I scream pushing his chest causing him to fall backwards.

I slump to the side and scoot backwards until I'm leaning against a nearby tree. Once again, I'm crying and I silently curse my hormones for turning me into an emotional mess.

"You strangled me!" I pick up a twig and throw it in his direction. 

Of course, it misses by miles but it doesn't stop me from picking up another one and throwing it as well. 

"I'm so-"

"Don't say that! I don't want your pathetic apology. I want you to leave." Jack sighs at my request but begins to stand up, dusting himself off.

"Come back to the house with me and I'll leave you to calm down before we talk again." 


"No?" He questions.

I look over to my right and see a decent sized rock. I pick it up and hurl it at him, satisfied when it hits his chest.

"No. I don't want you in MY house. I want you to leave." I say, emphasising on the word leave.

He silently stares down at me as I stare back. It's eerie as we just stare at one another in the dark and silent woods. It's creepy. Too creepy. Jack opens his mouth to speak but I cut him off.

"No. Don't say anything. Just leave." I demand. 

Jack chuckles darkly with a shake of his head.

"You know what, I've given you everything. I've cared for you for five years, I've loved you since you were a child and you're kicking me out?" His next laugh is anything but humorous. 

"If I didn't agree with you being the owner of the house, your hand would have stayed wrapped around my throat until I either passed out or died. You love me? You nearly killed me!"

"You're pregnant with my child. I'm not going anywhere." 

My heart sinks. I could have made him leave if I wasn't pregnant. If he didn't have this hold over me, I could have kicked him out and never looked back. I want to believe that him hurting me was a once time occurrence but deep down I know it isn't true. I know that his anger will get the better of him and one day he'll do more that leave a bruise.

"Get away from me." I whisper to him. 

"I'm not leaving you he-"

"Get away!" I scream, kicking my feet out. 

Jack hisses as my feet make contact with his legs. Turning away, he walks off towards the house. I watch him go until it's too dark to see him anymore. Now I'm sitting in the dark woods alone and pregnant. Brilliant. I'll probably get lost finding my way back. But I'd rather be lost than go anywhere with him.

Staring ahead of me as I sit leaning against the tree still, I narrow my eyes when I see something move. It's quick and at first, I think I've imagined it. But then it happens again and my breathing hitches. My heart starts pounding in my chest as my eyes stay locked on whatever is moving beyond the trees. The once silent atmosphere is broken by the sound of crunching leaves heard within the distance. A twig snaps and the bushes rustle. I slowly stand up using the tree as a support, peering into the darkness. 

Please be a squirrel. Please be a cute little squirrel.

This little pray I chant in my head as the sound moves closer. All I can make out is a very large shadow.

Please be a fat squirrel. A bunch of fat squirrels.

I stop breathing as crystal blue eyes appear through the darkness and stare straight at me. It steps out of the bushes and closer to me until I can see it's front paw step into the mud. That is not a squirrel.

It moves into the only ray of sunlight that filters through the trees and a scream catches in my throat at the huge sandy dog or wolf thing that stands less than a metre away from me. 

Oh no.

{ Hey guys! Hope you're liking the story so far. I know it's a little boring at the moment but I have great ideas for this book, I've just got to set the foundation first. Please bare with me and let me know what you think :) }

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